

  • Red Kisses

    Gideon finds himself in a bit of an awkward moment. In other words, what happens when Gideon meets Sybil Myson, a married woman from 1916, and forgets about his 'Star Wars' underwear. CHARACTERS ARE OOC!

  • Sophia

    He jumped when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, turning around he saw that it was a young woman in a long red dress. Much like Cinderella's, he noted. The woman said nothing as she smiled and guided him towards the circle of dance people. Travis followed her, curious to see what she would do. Rated T to be safe. Oneshot

  • The Secrets That Haunt My Soul

    "Confession is always weakness. The grave soul keeps its own secrets, and takes its own punishment in silence" - Dorothy Dix. A collection of oneshots delving into the depths of Stevie Baskara's mind. Focuses on self-harm, depression and suicidal tendencies. DISCONTINUED

  • Zander's Song

    "Slender fingers curled around the sharp silver blade. Hands shook and trembled in the dim light and a sharp clatter could be heard as the blade tumbled blindly to the floor" Zander-centered. Oneshot. Requested fic. Song fic. TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions self-harm and suicide.

  • Kara

    "She watches as the water stains red"