Winnifred Artemis

  • BitterSweet Goodbye

    Alice POV - Alice is banished from Chipenden. How does she take the message, what is she going to do, and how will she take farewell with Tom?

  • All the lies

    Akito is more than she seems. What she does is the effect of what happened when she fell in love... [I'm really terrible at these summaries ' Please give the story a chance ]

  • What about us?

    Shiki and Rima have always been good friends, but how does Rima feel about the others thinking that she's addicted to Shiki?

  • The Price of Life

    SPOILERS! You should read 'SKIN GAMES' before reading this fanfic. Mab's thoughts and reflections after the end of the 'skin game'. (Not writing more here because of spoilers.)

  • It was you

    Each year, on the day after his birthday, Shikamaru wakes up with a strange feeling. What can it be? And will he be able to figure it out before it's too late? [Horrible summary - I'll try to make a better one later]

  • Daddy's Devilish Diary

    Growing up isn't easy - neither for the child itself or the parents watching it happen. In a normal world it would be hard, but in there are dark times in the world, and no one can escape the evil and lustful doings in the world. These are chapters from the Fiend's diary, telling the untold story of the life and of his most treasured daughter. A collaboration with GoldenWhiteRose.

  • A Bloody Rose

    Zero is struggling to hide his growing vampire nature. He has tried to keep it at bay, but lately it has grown stronger and he is now painfully aware of the red fluid. Will he be able to hold it in? Or will he lose to his inner monster and launch out on those he care about the most? And if he learned of a cure to his miserable life, how far would he be willing to go to get it?

  • Jane Austen's 'Ino'

    Ino is a rich, high classed girl that loves playing match maker. The people she takes interest too soon get together to marry, but what happens when she makes a mistake? And what about her own happiness and future? A story 'translated' into Naruto from the well known story of 'Emma' by Jane Austen

  • Without you, there's no me

    After an accident, Haru is left in the bed. In difference from their earlier years, Sora is the one having to take care of him. How does she react and feel about this whole thing?

  • Another way out

    Alice has just returned from the dark. After debating with herself, she decides to meet up with Tom. But how will this meeting go? How much will she tell him? And will she be able to do what she must do? Another POV change story. This one is based on the last book in the series.

  • Idiot

    Because of their parents, Salada grew up having to deal with Bolt. Sure, it was okay in the beginning, but as they grew older, he started acting more and more like an idiot. Is there any reason behind this new behavior? And what will Salada do when she can't seem to get him out of her sight?

  • Tainted Love

    Kiba Inuzuka has had special feelings for his teammate for quite a while. Nobody knew about this, and especially not Hinata. What will happen when he finally comes out and confesses his feelings? How will Hinata react? and how will the head of the Hyuuga family look at this event.

  • Every Girl is Capable of Murder

    Mikasa is reflecting on her life - both as a soldier and a private person. Her dreams, her hope, her past and future. All that she is and wish to be. [I'm bad at writing summaries - sorry about that. I'll try to get a better one later.]

  • A very Naruto Christmas - A Naruto Count Down story to Christmas

    For you that want to get the idea of this very quick: This is a 24 chapter story that will be updated every day of December as a countdown to Christmas and that tells the story of many Naruto characters celebrating the holidays. The length will be about 20K. To you others: There is a much better explanation in the very fist chapter. Check it out before dismissing the story, okay?

  • A jealous queen

    It is still unknown to everyone that The Lady Catrina is troll. She is planning to get the throne for herself by removing Arthur, but will she succeed? Inspired by the 'Hansel and Gretel'-fairy tail.

  • In between the lines

    It's been some years since Gaara became the Kazzekage and Matsuri thinks back and realizes how much she misses spending time with him besides Kazekage business. At home she revives a troubling letter from Gaara. What could it be about?

  • The Girl With The Ribbon

    It's the first day of a new school year at Hogwarts. Friends getting together after a summer break, and old enemies clashing together. In the middle of it all stands a girl that is unknown to them all. A girl with a ribbon. Who is she? And why do the sorting hat place her so wrongly? Or was it right?

  • Ripples of my heart

    Milo and Kida's daughter has grown up in Atlantis, but is she really accepted as a part of their community? (Better summary later)

  • I'm going for you

    It White Day and Momiji has invited Tohru and her friends to a trip to the hot-springs. Kyo didn't really plan to go, but then he changes his mind. This is the untold story of what really happened that made Kyo change his mind and chose to join the others. POV: Kyo

  • The Smoothie of Love

    It's been some time since Zuko and Ty Lee last saw each other. Now they meet again as Zuko arrange an open house party at his family's beach house. Noticing that Ty Lee is no longer inside, Zuko goes outside and down to the beach to search for her. He finds her, and they finally get to catch up and remembering the good old days.