
  • It Sent You To Me Without Wings

    One of the Flock is injured, and Max finds herself trusting the Avengers in a way she never thought she would. Second in "To Dust Or To Gold."

  • Damn Good Prank

    In which Remus and Lily prank James and Sirius, and even they have to admit it's not a bad idea, as far as pranks go. (In truth, it's definitely deserving of being called a Damn Good Prank.) Second in "Pranking Pranksters."

  • All Will Be Well

    Kíli wakes up after Tauriel heals him to find that everything seems to have fallen apart around him. He's not about to let that stand. Post-Desolation of Smaug AU. Third in "All That Is Gold."

  • Ghosts of Christmas Past

    When searching for (alarmingly homicidal) Christmas decorations, Sirius found a box of old pictures in the attic and, naturally, had to share them with everyone in Grimmauld Place. The memories they evoke are bittersweet. Christmassy OotP interlude.

  • Put On Your War Paint

    The Flock and the Avengers team up. Super villains and mad scientists everywhere, beware. A Christmas gift for Flygrrl! First in "To Dust or To Gold."

  • Home for the (Non-Denominational) Holidays

    The time for the Les Amis Non-Denominational Winter Party has come again, and this year, Enjolras is hosting. This should be interesting. Modern AU.

  • Not Amused

    In which Remus wakes up in a girl's body and is Not Amused. (Sirius, however, is far TOO amused and will end up jinxed if he doesn't stop asking what it's like to have tits.)

  • num custos sororis mei sum

    Athelstan knew it was his fault. He knew he had told Ragnar of the town, that he had told him of its riches, that he had sent a group of deadly Northmen to its gates. He knew survivors would be few. That was the town where his sister lived. Compliant with 1.03 (Dispossessed) and 1.04 (Trial).

  • Yuánfèn

    Even in the best of times, three certain words can be hard to say. While planning a revolution, it's exponentially harder. (Also known as the five times Combeferre didn't tell Courfeyrac he loved him, and the one time he did.) Canon era. Warning for canonical character deaths on the barricade.

  • A Dichotomy of Discontent

    Tears filled Bossuet's eyes. He blinked them away as best he could. "Today is the anniversary of my father's death." Canon era, before Les Amis meet Marius.

  • Every Time We Touch

    Bossuet is a clumsy telekinetic. Joly has wings. Musichetta can see the future. They manage to make it work. Mutant AU. Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta.

  • Mutual Lodgings

    Bahorel was horrified at the cold of Feuilly's quarters, especially in the dead of winter. And so, being Bahorel, he was quick to implement a solution. Feuilly wasn't quite sure how he felt about it. Canon era.

  • Skuldalið

    The one where Lagertha takes out her despair over Gyda's death on Athelstan, but they end up closer because of it. Mid-1.09 (All Change) interlude, canon-compliant.

  • The City of Love

    A WtNV fic. A week-long trip out of Night Vale to take Cecil to see Paris. What could go wrong? (Really, you'd think after his time in Night Vale, Carlos would know better than to ask that.) Cecil/Carlos.

  • The Bonds of Love

    Every time Jack dies, he sees Ianto. And every time, it gets harder and harder for him to force himself to come back to life. Jack/Ianto. Post-Children of the Earth. References to Doctor Who 4.17-18 (The End of Time).

  • Braids

    Simmons always used to have her hair braided, but she can't braid to save her life. This hasn't escaped Fitz's awareness.

  • Miracle Baby

    When Alec said he wanted kids, he didn't mean he wanted Magnus to magic up a baby overnight. Magnus/Alec. No mpreg.

  • Friday Night

    This is the story of how Enjolras found himself spending his Friday night with his drunk boyfriend on the couch instead of working on a paper due Monday. Established Enjolras/Grantaire. Modern AU.

  • Heima

    The Northmen return to Wessex. Athelstan is pleased. King Ecbert isn't. Post-2.05 (Answers in Blood).

  • Blood

    Athelstan does not want to watch. But nor will he let himself look away. (Athelstan's thoughts during the human sacrifices at Uppsala.) Mid-1.08 (Sacrifice) interlude.