
  • An Agent and His Supersoldier

    Coulson likes Steve. And not just because he's the hero he always idolized. Because Steve is nice. And polite. And just as heroic with the cameras as without them. And, of course, he's very attractive. So all in all, Coulson figures that whoever snags Steve will be very lucky indeed. It never enters his mind that it can be him. Coulson/Steve.

  • It's Okay

    A WtNV fic. The second Carlos heard Cecil say that the thing had bit him, he turned the radio up. He had to be listening to make sure that Cecil was okay. He wasn't. Tag for episode 43 (Visitor). Cecil/Carlos.

  • This is Good

    A WtNV fic. After a particularly vicious punishment from Station Management, Cecil returns home to find a welcome surprise who isn't as nonchalant about what happened as he is. Cecil/Carlos. Some vague mentions of violence/torture.

  • Forgiveness

    In the aftermath of the Chitauri disease, Fitz and Simmons realize there are some things they really need to talk about. Post-1.06 (FZZT).

  • A Story of Uncles and Archery

    Bilbo is sent out to collect food with Kíli. He takes the opportunity to learn more about dwarves and ends up with a lot more knowledge and a closer friendship.

  • Drastic Measures

    Whenever Ianto or Jack felt ignored by the other, they tended to resort to drastic measures. Jack/Ianto.