
  • Mordred Potter

    When Lily gives birth to a stillborn, Sirius and James use an old Black ritual to bring life to the baby, only for the soul chosen to be that of a mafia boss. Follow Mordred as she gains a new lease on life.

  • Story Adoptables

    Story ideas from Avengers to Harry Potter to random Anime ideas.

  • A Different Skull

    When the letter came for the strongest cloud, they asked for Skull. Skull is what they got, but it wasn't the real Immortal stuntman that showed up, but his younger body double. How will this Skull change the story?

  • Butterfly Effects

    The butterfly effect is when one small change causes large consequences. When a regular girl is reborn into a world of heroes in order to stop it from breaking, the entire timestream changes. But at the same time key events still continue to appear.

  • Rise of the Phoenix

    DumblesBash! Wrong child who lived. What if Harry had a twin sister who was forced to the side (Not by choice!) and runs away? Good!Damaged!Peter. Please read. not arrogant Harry

  • How many millenia?

    Harry has a sister, Severa. join them as they survive hogwarts for 7 years. evil Dumbledore, abuse/pain