

  • On Olympus

    Hades and Persephone have to go up to Olympus for a dinner party hosted by Zeus. Slightly AU since Persephone actually loves Hades in this. Lots of family drama.

  • Cold Case Squad

    A new case tests the Cold Case Squad and the relationship between Grace and Boyd which is rocky at the best of times. For once Grace doesn't know how to help him and he certainly doesn't know how to help himself. Boyd perhaps a little OOC or just maybe more mature.

  • Playing Hero

    Boyd goes off on his own and does something stupid. What else is new? Grace is terribly concerned about him and tells him so. He lets her rant a little bit because he knows it makes her feel better.

  • I Need Your Help

    AU Severus survived the war and is in a relationship with Madam Hooch. I have used Xiomara as her first name here. She starts panicking when she thinks Severus is going to propose. She gets a little help from a friend.

  • Soulmates

    AU Post-war fic. Severus had survived and is actually living life and enjoying life. He's still teaching at Hogwarts and has taken huge steps in his personal life. He discovers just how far he's come when he wakes up one morning.

  • Growing Up

    Based on the movie. When Eliza comes back to the house how does she deal with her changing relationship with Henry? Henry panics initially and Colonel Pickering is no help at all.

  • New Beginnings

    Albus and Minerva have gotten together over the summer and now that school has started again they're being asked all sorts of questions and dealing with the usual problems at the school.

  • New Arrangements

    Clarisse and Joseph haven't been married long, but Joseph is seeing Clarisse less and less. Mia is getting married to Nicholas and so Clarisse is trying to help her plan. Mia is stressed out and nervous and so is Clarisse. Joseph decides they need to get away for a while.

  • Christmas on Voyager

    The crew have a Christmas party on the holodeck and Kathryn finally tells Chakotay she loves him.

  • Love in Aces

    Secrets are being kept at Hogwarts and gossip is being spread about more than one couple. Do both couples ace love school or are they thwarted? Does gossip tear them apart? Do the students find out and how do they react? All the problems of love and a school all in one. Please read and review.

  • Day Off

    Rolanda Hooch goes to visit Severus in his dungeon on a Saturday to persuade him to go for a walk and then stargazing later.

  • Meeting Boyd's Mother

    Grace and Boyd are in a relationship and the time has come for Grace to meet Boyd's mother. Boyd is nervous which is not helping Grace at all. Worse still, Boyd's mother has invited them to stay for the weekend. Boyd is praying for an urgent case to come up!

  • At the End of the War

    Minerva McGonagall finds out that Albus used a decoy on the roof a year earlier and he's not really dead. She's angry and confused, but also very thankful and Harry is relieved. Severus' portrait talks to Minerva. AU

  • Backyard Barbeque

    After the rebellion Effie and Haymitch (now a couple) host a barbeque at their place with Katniss and Peeta and their daughter and some of their friends.

  • Can We Escape Now?

    Grace attends a Met party on behalf of the Cold Case Unit because no one else would attend. She's bored and hating every moment until she spots Boyd entering the room. The night improves quickly. Boyd perhaps a bit OOC.

  • All We Need is Love

    AU, Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy are in a relationship after the war. This is the story of taking the next step, telling family and friends, and dealing with the consequences. Along the way they learn about the people who care about them in their lives. Also includes one big shock from Draco.

  • A New Case and a New Romance

    Boyd, Grace, and the team are on a case in a remote location east of London. The weather is terrible and it's late at night as usual. Grace's car is not working again so Boyd drives her home. Close friends become something more.

  • A Death in the Family

    A neighbour from Colonel Klink's hometown arrives to tell him his mother has died. He must cope with information with the help of Frau Linkmeyer.

  • You're Supposed to Protect Him

    AU! Scorpius Malfoy has been staying with his grandfather, Lucius, while his parents are on vacation. When his grandfather treats him badly he shows up on Severus Snape's doorstep. Severus is in a relationship with Remus Lupin.

  • I Blame Myself

    After Ruth is injured, not killed by Sasha Gavrik Harry waits in the hospital to hear something about what is going on. His daughter Catherine and Malcolm make special appearances to help him.