
  • Handlebars

    Wesley Evans stepped out of the sleek, black car that had picked him up from school. He barely made it up the stairs before his younger brother, Soul, had thrown the doors of their home open. Soul was rushing at him, a large smile plastered on his face as he waved a piece of paper for Wes to see. (Warning, someone dies...)

  • Remeber Me for Centuries

    A collection of Soul Eater prompts and drabbles from Tumblr. Most of them are Soma. :)

  • Lesbians and Lace

    Her question caused Maka to pause in thought, lowering the pale blue and white striped garment. They would look quite good on Soul, the blonde mused. But then again, if the look her friend was sending her way was any indication there was no way in hell. "For me," Maka answered at last. Fem!Soma, Underwear shopping.

  • Shatter Me

    Maka thought she had no need to worry about being chosen for the Hunger Games. Her name was in the reaping the least amount of times possible for someone her age, and her father was a victor. It should have been impossible. But it wasn't. When she is chosen as the female tribute for District Eleven she is thrust into the Games. The masquerade has begun. For resbang 2014

  • Hugging

    Who would have thought Soul was the more physically affectionate one in their relationship? Maka certainly did, their friends though? Not so much... In which Soul is a cuddle whore and Maka the target of his affections.

  • Angelofdeath42 is Online

    Soul had been following Maka, (Angelofdeath42) and his best friend on tumblr ever since he had stole her phone and saw her tumblr app. He had created his own account the very next day and had meant to tell her, but he found out after visiting her blog for the first time that she talked about him a lot on there. The information was kind of useful... Highschool/tumblr!au

  • Breaking News

    Wesley Evans stared at the television, enthralled. The television was currently covering the Battle of the Moon. It was interesting, Wes noted, but only mildly interesting. Or at least he thought so until it was his brother's face was on the screen.

  • Easter Egg Hunter

    Blair could not believe Soul and Maka didn't hunt for Easter Eggs. She need to make a plan. They were kids after all and what was Easter in Death City with out an Easter egg hunt?

  • Insanity

    The room was black. Dark with dim blue lights like the glow of souls off to the sides. He waits. For the demon and his promises of power. For the queue to play. For his love.

  • Please?

    It was no secret that Maka Albarn wanted to be the best Meister. And being the best meant presenting to the newbies. Which was exactly what Soul Eater, her partner, did not want.

  • Soul of the Dead

    Because Zombies did not really exist, right? And there was definitely not one outside their apartment! It was probably just some drunk guy... In which Maka thinks the guy in the hallway is just drunk and Soul is not convinced. Zombie!AU

  • Planes

    The first time Maka fell asleep against Soul was on a plane by accident. The second time?Not so much...