


    Randomness is back for round two! This stars a multitude of OOC characters, a high drawbridge and perfectly preserved, collectible cupcakes! Enjoy! Dark Meta Knight fans, don't read.

  • The Dedede Talk Show

    ONE-SHOT One-sided Dedede and Meta Knight. Get your eyerolling ready for Dedede being a creep and for other things like Fumu.

  • Frigid Waters

    Bun hits Fumu with a soccer ball and she goes tumbling down a cliff, hitting her head in the process. Spring, I guess, is a time when people choose to die while freezing to death in those frigid waters... T because Bun needs to watch his language. Mkxfumu fluffy. ONESHOT.

  • Romance'n'Royalty It just gets messed up

    Do you like 'What if' questions? You're gonna love this. What if Princess Rona had a brother? What if she returned to Pupupuland with her brother? What if he fell in love with Fumu? What if she loves someone else? What if her crush went through a major age change? All right reserved, I don't own Kirby nor Hoshi no Kaabii. FINALLY FINISHED.

  • Remade

    When Mira Tyler comes to work at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, it starts with fun and meeting her childhood friends, until she has to work her shift. New technology, haunting memories, upgrades, dead children, bloodthirsty revenge... What could go wrong? T for now... I'm not exactly sure. Foxy X Female!Security Guard

  • Influenced

    He was influenced by the king to surprise her. She was influenced by her sister to make his dark dreams come true. Practicing my lemons. And I need constructive criticism please. *puppy eyes*

  • Jealous Much?

    Fumu has been struck with the arrow of jealousy! After noticing Kirby spending a lot of time with Meta Knight, Friendly Fumu turned into Furious Fumu! Join Kirby and Fumu in the he-loves-you-not fight of the century! Kirby is female in this story, jus' sayin'. Under revision.

  • Meta Knight: Beginnings

    Another random story. I'm terrible at summaries. Just read. It's not too bad. I assure you. Rated T for Jecra's cussing.

  • Just another Kirby Dare thingy

    Title says it all... T for language... I'll do my best to keep it T. DICONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

  • Tired

    "Kirby," he whispered, "I'm so tired of hiding. I don't know what to do anymore. My uncontrollable emotions are getting the best of me..." Oneshot AU Female!Meta Knight

  • Don't cry

    Tiff has been feeling lonesome lately and our favorite knight is there to cheer her up! Got the idea from a picture on Google! One shot AU.

  • Do you want to build a snowman? Kirby version

    Starring the twins, Meta and Dark, and their parents. If you haven't seen Frozen or the video Do You Want to Build a Snowman? then you probably wont understand.


    Called RANDOMNESS because I don't know what else to call it. One of my insanely weird classmates helped me write this. And, yeah. He likes bananas. This stars Kirby, baby puffballs, and Dedede

  • Lady in Red

    Five years after the defeat of Nightmare, when everything is rebuilt and everyone is happy-go-lucky again, a dance is held at Castle Dedede in celebration of the death of Nightmare. Post-war AU. Pic by me.