Startix-Master of the NoLess

  • Hot Out Here For a Faunus

    Denial isn't a good way to handle intense sexual frustration.

  • Cracked Ice

    Stay out of her territory.

  • Perfect Opposites

    Opposites attract isn't just a saying. Sometimes it's a practice. (More like T with a few shades of M)

  • Distractions

    Ren tries to do his homework. Nora seems determined to halt him at every turn. (More like T /M)

  • The Art of Seduction

    There would come a day where Blake would finish her latest book. Today was not that day, and tomorrow didn't look much promising either.

  • Lottery

    For all Jaune's gifts, common sense wasn't one of them.

  • Nice and Pink

    Weiss had done a lot of things in her life she wasn't proud of. Getting drunk and sleeping with Ruby ranked pretty high on the list.

  • Eternian Board of Girl Power: Cookies

    The latest meeting of the Eternian Board of Girl Power reveals a disturbing fact; they're almost out of money! To regain their capital, the girls resort to a new method of obtaining revenue; selling cookies. Only disaster can follow.

  • What A Girl Thinks She Wants

    If Nora did in fact have a biological clock, it wasn't ticking; it was counting down.

  • Nipped in the Bud

    Ruby surprises Weiss with a little something special. But Weiss hates surprises, almost as much as random alterations to her girlfriend's body. [NSFW]

  • Fractured Ice

    It's not so much Weiss wants to keep Ruby from the world. Just Penny. [Continuing from Cracked Ice]

  • What's Your Function?

    Never let Yang plan a party. And never go to a party she planned.

  • Bananas and Milk

    The law of the jungle was a simple one: eat or be eaten. Simple, easy to follow. And often in the jungle, there are cougars. And cougars are well-known for eating monkeys. [Crack pairing within]

  • Cake

    Ringabel never had much of a sweet tooth. That was before he ever really took notice of how Edea ate cake.

  • For Me, And You, Too

    Praline seemed to keep finding ways to baffle Jackal. Her latest hobby is just one of many mysteries he's grown to love.

  • Good Vibes

    With her team gone, Pyrrha decides to indulge in a little private time. What she didn't count on was one of them coming back at the worst (and best) possible moment. NSFW

  • Sweet Silence

    Games were often the best way to alleviate boredom. But the Warriors of Light never envisioned playing one so daring, so naughty, and so…fun. [NSFW]

  • Praey

    Having traveled with the vestal, Tiz was no stranger to being hunted. But this was different. The stakes were higher, he didn't have his friends to back him up, and he was the target... [NSFW]

  • The Tune of Jealousy

    It's not so much that Praline didn't like seeing other girls around Jackal. Except it was exactly that, and she had to find a way to make it stop.

  • Twin Bands

    Praline asks Jackal a very serious question. But serious for her often means silly for him.