Xeen Cyr


    "You're not the guy who would chase after another woman while you have a girlfriend."

  • Kajal and Leather

    "Leather it is then. You sure, Dorian?"

  • Conversation in a Car

    "You remember I asked if you like me?" "Please, not again. I'll say it if that makes you stop, okay? Happy now?" "I must point out that you didn't say anything."

  • Second Chance

    His mind wrapped around a very likely scenario where nobody was going to make it out alive, Kennex began to run, protecting his eyes with his arm.

  • A Close Shave

    "Does it need further explaining?" "No, but who gives a shit anyway? It's not like you're en route for an android pageant."

  • His Father's Son

    "Don't check my vitals, you hear me!" Kennex spat. "I'm thirty-nine, I don't need a nanny, god dammit!" JOHN KENNEX & DORIAN banter.

  • About Last Night

    "I lost Dorian," Rudy said. "What do you mean you lost Dorian? He's not a set of keys. DRNs don't get lost."

  • Reality and Expectation

    "I'm missing a leg, Dorian, not a toe!" "You're missing my point." In the aftermath of "Unbound". Missing scene.