

  • A Father out of time

    After the fall of Pyramid Monkey is tossed back in time to London before the mechs took over when he arrived he meets Lily Nee Evans a witch who might be able to send him back to his own timeline.

  • My Father is a Mutant

    (AU)It's Harry's First year at Hogwarts and he's really enjoying it but when he finds out the truth about his Parents things start to get complicated and his friends are rather surprised about the news to but they don't care no matter who Harry's father is they'll will always be friends no matter what the consequences are.

  • The Beastly Son

    Born from a human being is easy but born from a Werewolf, a fable, and two feral mutants is fucking hard the boss's life starts to take a drastic change when he learns about his parentage he also tends to be more moody than ever that even the Third street saints and the rival gangs are too scared to anger him.

  • We Are One

    After Fred's death The Weasley's fell to a absolute state of depression but Harry won't stand for this so he decides to teach them a little lesson. Oneshot

  • Born Of Thunder

    Fed up with Thor's arrogance Odin punishes him by sending him down to Midgard into the body of a mortal striped of his memories but with his powers intact how would The Wizarding World react when they find out that their savior is none other than the Thunder God himself? Will Loki see his dear brother again? Find out now. Mentor Madame Hooch and non adopted Loki.

  • Son of a Bsaa Agent

    I cant think of a summary for the story

  • Fable Hearts

    After Darkness takes over Fabletown James R. Wolf Howlet must travel to other worlds with help from some of his relatives and Donald and Goofy to save others before they descend into darkness as well.

  • Reincarnation

    Reincarnation can be a tricky thing especially when it comes to Harry and his friends so what do you get when the worlds of Harry Potter and The Walking Dead Collide?

  • The Big Four's Adventures on Tamirel and Nirn

    Pitch Black and the negatives are back and they got some new allies strong to and only one can stop the three newcomers from taking over Tamirel but he'll need help with the ones know as Pitch Black and the Negatives with help from ones known as the big four join Marcus the Dragonborn and The four as they travel across Tamirel to stop Pitch and the negatives.

  • Kingdom Keepers Next Generation

    Full Summary in the story

  • Five Nights At Freddy's Is This Where You Want To Be?

    Modern AU After Freddy's Fazbear's Pizzeria Security Guard Mike Schmidt refuses to take another night at the place and quits the owner turns the job over to a police offer who had more experience with night shifts would Kurtis Stryker be able to survive all the nights at a pizzeria where a murder took place during 1987? Or will he find out the truth about what happened at Freddy's

  • Peter Thorson

    Haven't thought of one yet.

  • Weapon X? More like Weapon H

    When Logan was being injected with Adamantuim in Canada Argent Stryker added another thing into him Gamma Radiation the same stuff that made Bruce Banner The Hulk but instead of changing Logan into a rampaging green behemoth with anger issues it gave him a unexpected side effect. No Kayla death and no Amnesic Logan

  • A Werewolf Again

    Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse Gabriel Van Helsing is once again bitten by a werewolf and this time there is no cure for it.

  • My Name is Goliath Shepherd

    Commander Shepherd was always a orphan before he joined The Alliance and he knew it but when he finds out that he had parents that were still alive he thought it was just a sick joke at first but when he meets them face to face he finds out that it's not.

  • The Dwemer Experiment

    When a journal begins a journey that should have remained buried. And an experiment gets conducted that should never have been discovered, can the Dragonborn put an end to everything before it is too late?

  • Solid Snikt The X-men Arc

    Thanks to a Black hole incident Snake is tossed into the Marvel Universe with no way of contacting the others and not only that for it seems like when he was tossed into the universe him and a mutant by the name of Wolverine had been fused together now Snake most learn to control his new found powers and abilities.

  • Christmas Medley

    Ever wonder what your favorite characters from your favorite franchises do for the Holidays join everyone from every TV show, video game, and Movie as they sing one of your Christmas songs.

  • Titan Batman

    With no cure for the Titan formula for everyone that was injected with it including himself Batman/Bruce Wayne must learn to cope with it in him while taking care of Gotham, Arkham and The Family Business without attracting attention from anyone.

  • Return of The Regime

    5 months had passed since the events that happened on the alternate earth and things were starting to settle down but when the league receive word from one of the insurgents that Superman's regime had returned it's up to the Justice League and a few others to Stop Superman (regime) again even if it involves them returning to the alternate earth in their new found appearances.