

  • Building

    Xander hates his role at the council. Spike helps him out.

  • Building

    Xander hates his role at the council. Spike helps him out.

  • Drunk Spike

    Spike's drunk.

  • Hurt

    Spike takes care of Xander after he gets injured at work.

  • You Suck Less Than Most Humans

    Spike tells Xander how he feels in a very Spike way.

  • Christmas Ornament

    The Scooby gang decorate the Christmas tree at the Magic Box.

  • The Love of the Bullied

    Life sucks for Xander but when Spike moves to Sunnydale will things get better or worse?

  • Broken Soul

    Xander and Spike broke up six month ago. It's Valentine's Day and Spike needs Xander back.

  • Scrambled Brains

    Sequel to Sleepwalk. Xander shows up at Spike's door, awake this time.

  • Eyas

    Ethan comes back to Sunnydale.

  • Best Laid Plans

    Xander decides he wants to help Spike and Buffy get together. What better way than to pretend they are dating?

  • Sleepwalk

    Xander sleepwalks.

  • Let Me Love You

    Xander goes to Spike's crypt when he doesn't show up for patrol.

  • Hecatomb

    Jack tells Ianto about Gray.

  • Halloween's Not What It Used to Be

    Halloween seems almost nonexistent now.

  • Safeguard

    There's a new demon on the loose that is giving the Scoobies a run for their money. After Xander got hurt Spike is taking all the precautions to keep him save. Even if Xander doesn't want it.

  • Never Piss Off a Witch

    Never take the last chocolate bar from a PMSing witch!

  • Perfect Stranger

    Sequel to 'Coach Harris and Naughty William'. More Roleplaying.

  • What the Hell Are You Doing?

    Spike walks in on Xander doing something weird

  • No Way Out?

    Xander is in the Magic Box alone playing with the weapons. He accidently puts a hole in the wall. Enter Spike. Things go from bad to worse. Or do they?