
  • Hot Chocolate Whiskers

    Hollstein fluff. Catmilla, Laura x Carmilla.

  • What makes a person real?

    I wrote... LaFlashdrive. Someone take computers away from me, I don't even ship this. Anyway, it's angsty. (Carmilla)

  • Hunt

    Fic #3 of my "dead dog" marathon. Featuring Danny Lawrence. (Carmilla)

  • Fire

    Fic #2 for my "dead dog" marathon. Featuring Delphine Cormier.

  • Sorry

    Fic #1 for my "dead dog" marathon. Featuring Felix Dawkins.

  • Sacrifices

    Post Episode 33 Carmilla fic

  • Path of Destruction

    Maleficent if the characters were replaced with Carmilla characters.

  • A New Normal

    LaFerry drabble taking place after episode 30.

  • Floofy

    Carmilla the Series fluff.

  • What is this Feeling?

    Carmilla and Laura... sing a duet?

  • Kismet

    'kis·met' noun: destiny; fate. A LaFerry fic, written for the webseries Carmilla. Set immediately after episode 24. Beta-ed by Heytherecreampuff

  • Art Club (Danny x Laura)

    A Carmilla the Series fic, where, instead of being part of Summer Society, Danny is instead a huge art nerd.

  • Night Terrors

    Carmilla x Laura ficlet written for my friend Hannah. Prompt: Laura has a nightmare and Carmilla comforts her.

  • Introduction Time

    Some shenanigans brought to you by Danny, the tall gay, and Carmilla, the broody gay. Inspired by the prompt from my friend Hannah: Danny and Carmilla alone while waiting for Danny.

  • Sneaky Spirits

    Carmilla x Laura (Requested by carmillasfangs and belladonnarose.) Prompt: Ouija board thinks we should fuck.

  • Serenity

    Based on this prompt from ben-lyintous on tumblr: omg can you write clone club as the crew of serenity

  • Loving You is Like Running

    Soccer Cop Teen Au

  • Not a Lizard

    First story written for my Orphan Black Magic Au.

  • Letting Go

    So I was supposed to be working on LYILR, but the angst was calling me, so here's a fic about Cosima dying.

  • We Make the Best Kissers

    Cophine first meeting Au