
  • Bubble Angel

    Written for this prompt from cosima-sawicki on Tumblr: DRABBLE PROMPTS OK BROPHINE Tony and Cosima getting Delphine high for the first time and Delphine being AMAZED by the bubbles Tony keeps blowing.

  • Alone

    An Alison Hendrix Introspective set in early Season 2. tw: suicide

  • Partners

    Carmilla and Danny are partners for a Chemistry project.

  • For the Best

    Laura x Carmilla

  • Treachery of the Heart

    A Danny x Carmilla fic.

  • It's Not Your Fault

    Beth Childs oneshot of her thoughts on the platform and a bit of backstory.

  • Falling for Both of You

    Carmilla/Laura/Danny OT3 fanfiction written after episode 17.

  • Her Eyes

    Just 5 year old blind!LaF meeting her best friend. (Please excuse the pronouns in this, I'm going off the assumption that up until recently, LaF went by female pronouns and was called Susan.)

  • Stars

    Here's Hannah's fic, or as I like to call it, the one where Carmilla is a drunk philosophy major with a broken heart.

  • Scan Me

    The doctor's investigations lead him to an impossible person. An impossible person who isn't alone.

  • Reunited

    A much anticipated reunion.

  • Clones

    Written for this prompt from the-cracker-cupboard on tumblr: another castle/orphan black crossover omg, castle and beckett meet the clone club annnd one of them is a fan of his books?

  • Detective Girlfriends

    Inspired by this prompt from the-cracker-cupboard on tumblr: castle/orphan black crossover where beckett and beth are partners? idk they could be hot detectives solving crimes together and stuff (maybe also lovers cause i kinda ship it now)

  • Nothing to be Afraid Of

    Sarah and Cosima go to a theme park.

  • We

    Drabble for Creampuff Week Day 1. Hot Chocolate and Gingerbread. Zeta Society.

  • Conceal

    I went to write some Lawstein smut for Court, and this train wreck happened.

  • M's Fic

    Blame Melissa. Dead Dog Fic #5 ft. Lawstein.

  • тюльпаны

    "Once upon a time, in a little town named Styria, there lived a very sad girl. The world aged around her, but she was left as she was, untouched and lonely."  "Her name was Carmilla!"

  • Salvation

    Creampuff Week Day #2 Welcome to the 21st Century

  • Cold

    Dead Dog Fic #4 ft. Lola Perry.