Irene T447

  • Dramatic Irony

    Everyone knows about Zelda's many disguises. But just how far is she willing to go to find her true love? Byrne recently got a girl, Sheik of the Sheikah, and things are going swimmingly. Strangely, Sheik seems extremely averse to going on a double date with Link and Zelda. And when Nabooru walks into school with a new girlfriend Tetra on her arm, things get...interesting.

  • Motherhood

    Young!Regina ficlet. Emma finds a five year old Regina running up and down the streets of Storybrooke. A little something I wrote about a year ago. Possible Swanqueen.

  • Sheik's Coffee Day

    After a rough night the evening before, Sheik wants nothing more than a good cup of Joe. Too bad he's got a slob for a roommate who drank all the coffee. Oh, and his period started. Yes, that's right. His period. Enter the life of a transgender male who wants the best out of life in a world that doesn't understand him.

  • Team Awesome

    When an investigation of a black hole leads S.H.E.I.L.D to investigate a small town in Maine, Skye encounters a face from the past that carries with it some emotional attachments. Snippets/ sneak peaks a larger project I'm working on with Ellaworm11.

  • Transitions

    Robin has been acting strange around Marian. Not surprising, considering he's been reunited with his supposedly dead wife. But what happens when Marian finds out about the relationship between Robin and Regina? And could there possibly be something building between Marian and a certain red haired waitress? Snippets/sneak peaks of a larger work I'm working on with Ellaworm11.

  • Road Trip

    "Yes, Mr. Stark, the kids." Coulson resists the urge to add 'they're more mature than you', and continues instead. "We need to rebuild, but we've got bigger problems. There is a potential threat coming from the backwoods of Maine." "What threat could be coming from Maine?" Stark asks. "Poisoned lobster? Moose? The Bruins?" Snippets/Sneak peak of Fireworks by Ellaworm11 and I.

  • Legalities

    Investigating a child trafficking case leads internationally renown lawyer Patty Hewes to the humble town of Storybrooke. Unbeknownst to her, Ellen Parsons has set a trap for her. Regina has a many things on her mind, and having not one but two lawyers overrunning her town is just added stress. Snippets/Sneak peak of Fireworks, an ongoing project between me and Ellaworm11.

  • Lingering

    Midna tries to determine what her feelings towards Link are while she asks him nonsense questions. MidLink. An experiment in the second person. Writing Prompt: Huge Flood plus Animals.

  • The Greenery

    Crack!fic. Saria receives a dying plant from the Great Deku Tree. The Goddesses intervene. Loaded with lethal doses of snarkasm, sleep-deprived ramblings, and severe forth-wall breakages. Writing prompt: dying houseplant. Read at your own peril!

  • Waves

    "How had it come to this exactly? Why did that crucial decision have to decide her fate to be a miserable one?" Angsty fic. Tetra misses her life at sea. Modern AU. Writing prompt: Deck hand or librarian?

  • Fear of the Dark

    "Papa, I'm scared of the dark." Impa has always been afraid of the dark. Spans pre and post Skyward Sword. Spoilers for Skyward Sword. An exploration of the origins of the Sheikah, Impa's motivations, and her earliest influences. Should be about six chapters long.