

  • Rising From Ashes

    Following his Christmas home, Jack Thornton headed back to the Northern Territories. When another Mountie arrives in Hope Valley, Elizabeth must face that fact that Jack is not coming home. However, two new people are coming to make Hope Valley their home. How will Elizabeth and the town accept them? Will healing come to Hope Valley?

  • Third Time is Forever

    Rachel left Landsdale without telling anyone she was going following an assault and tragic death of her second husband at the hands of her ex-husband. Her flight led her to Hope Valley and the support of Bill Avery and Elizabeth and Nathan Grant. Raising two children while single seems like a formidable task, but is there someone willing to shoulder the responsibility with her?

  • Finding the Courage to Live Again

    "I've met charmers like him before. The flower soon withers on the vine." Elizabeth said those words to Abigail shortly after Lucas' arrival in Hope Valley. About a year of marriage and Elizabeth starts to realize the truth of those words. However, when she finally hits rock bottom, the hand held out to her in love is one of the last ones she would expect.

  • When Another Love Comes Along

    With the whole truth about the bank robbery finally out in the open and Sinclair and his men behind bars, some of the charm of Brookfield seems to be wearing out or perhaps it is because Lillian had made a choice of Sam over him. Whatever the reason Gabriel finds himself longing for a new posting to be sent his way. At least until Brookfield gets a new doctor. Gabriel/Faith.

  • Drabbles From Hope Valley

    A collection of drabbles written for a lyric prompt challenge.

  • Not A Good Fit

    Nathan is now an Inspector in Union City. His current case has ties to the Thatcher family but little does he know, the case will hit a little closer than even just the Thatcher Shipping Company. Pos "A Home For Christmas". Some of the timing may end up being 'tv timing' but for the sake of the story, just go with it.

  • After All This Time

    After a brief time in Hope Valley, Constable Nathan Grant took a posting to Inspector and moved to Union City. He thought the possiblities he had left behind had ended when he left Hope Valley. A little over two years later, Nathan is discovering that might not be the case after all. Stays with the events of the show through "Home For Christmas". After that, it is AU.

  • When Worlds Collide

    The upcoming wedding for Grace and Chuck isn't the only event about to cause changes to the people of Brookfield. The appearance of a runaway will bring changes to Gabriel's life and possibly his plans for a life with Lillian. This story is the sequel to For The Love of A Mountie. Gabriel/Lillian.

  • Extending A White Flag

    Set after season 1. When Gabriel hears a gunshot on rounds he finds an injured Sam. A conversation with Maggie following the incident gives Sam some new insight on the Mountie. Is it enough to clear the air between the two of them? One-shot.

  • Through Another's Eyes

    The plan had been to go to Fort Clay, train the recruits and come back home to his new wife. Sometimes though, fate has a different plan in mind. Now, the spirit of Jack must figure out what it is he needs to discover so that he crossed completely from the physical world to the spirit world with a bit of help from an unlikely source.

  • Return From Darkness

    The Abyss has been defeated and Tarazed has survived the onslaught of the Drago-Kazov and their allies. However, the Restored Commonwealth stands on the precipice of falling once again. Can Dylan and his crew once again bring light to the darkness or will the Commonwealth fall again.

  • An Added Perk of the bucket Festival

    The summer is coming to an end in Horshoe Bay. Everett is behind bars and Abe Tamura is back in town. A simply outing to initiate the Police Chief in the Bucket Ritual leads to a new dynamic in Nancy's relationship with Horshoe Bay's lead detective.

  • A Shoulder To Lean On

    When Chuck brings the news that Grace has decided to stay in London, choices must be made by those in Brookfield. Those choices will be dictated by the love two men have for the sisters involved. One-shot. Gabriel/Lillian.

  • Forging A Friendship

    Following the O'Rourke prisoner transfer, inquires are made but some might not be on the up and up. Nathan's actions are questioned. Will he find support from an unlikely source?

  • In My Heart

    The truths that Nathan dropped on them while drunk one night stay with Lucas and Elizabeth as Elizabeth's book tour takes place. It causes both to contemplate their relationship and make a decision that will change the course they are on. Follow up to Drabble 63 in Drabbles from Hope Valley. disclaimer: characters are not mine just borrowing them for my enjoyment! One shot

  • The Start of Our Journey Through Life

    This is a sequel to Aftershock. Elizabeth and Nathan are planning their wedding while the Coulters are adjusting to life with two children. Everything seems to be falling into place for the people of Hope Valley. However, fate has other plans. Can the hurdles be cleared or will dreams for the future evaporate before they can be realize?

  • A Season of Miracles

    Christmas is coming to Hope Valley, but it is easier to get into the spirit of the season than others. Some are working on mending wounded hearts. Others are finding that what they thought they wanted might not actually be what they need. An accident changes lives in a matter of seconds. Will darkness fall or will the magic of the season come through in an unexpected way?

  • A Country Christmas Day

    Christmas Day had started out with a great surprise for Lillian and the kids under her roof but what would the rest of the day hold. One-shot. Post-ep for the When Hope Calls Christmas Special. Spoiler Alert.

  • Merry Christmas, Gabriel?

    Things seemed to be going well for the residents of Brookfield as Christmas approaches. However, when heartache strikes an opportunity to take a position away from Brookfield suddenly seems very tempting. Will it be a Merry Christmas for Gabriel or not. One-shot. Gabriel/Lillian.

  • Aftermath

    For those who survived The Second Wizarding World they must find a way to pick up the pieces and move on. For the Weasley family that means recovering from the loss of a beloved member. For some this is harder to do then others but when one brother falters can the others show him that he is indeed loved and help him find meaning to his life again.