
  • Fire

    "Suddenly, the world tasted like ashes in his mouth. He had never been this cold, couldn't even register the searing heat of the fire that had taken her away. He could put arrows in people, slay monsters for her, but this fire was not tangible. He couldn't kick it, he couldn't stab it, he couldn't put an arrow through its heart." (Sounds like it, but NO character death, promise!)

  • Dedication

    "You really want to help me, Sam?" Andy's voice sounded exasperated. Sam only nodded in response. "Hit me." It took him a while to realize she was being serious. "Excuse me?" Andy is undercover - read to find out how it comes to this conversation. Multi-chapter, rated M for some violence and language, as well as adult content in later chapters.

  • Accident

    "I understand that you're embarrassed, but so am I! After all, I put you in this position!" Oliver busied himself, preparing to get her out of this pickle. Anything that would keep him from looking at her, lying there on the med bay table on her belly, her face buried in the crook of her arm." Oliver injures Felicity by accident. One-shot.

  • The Wedding Slasher

    "Let's trap him," Felicity suggested. "We know now where he finds his victims, so let's ensure he picks who we want him to pick." / Felicity and John find themselves in a position where they have to mime a newly engaged couple. I don't ship Diggle/Felicity, this is a pure Olicity story! Sometimes a mind clouded by jealousy can see things more clearly...

  • Sacrifice

    He sensed something was off and prepared to jump into action, but what he saw in front of him surpassed his worst nightmares. In the middle of their base of operations, Thea Queen and Felicity Smoak were kneeling, Slade standing behind them, pointing a gun at the back of their heads. / My take on the final fight, with a surprise ending (I think). One shot, Rated K

  • A Challenge

    "Alright, then!" she all but shouted at him and started unbuttoning her blouse. He looked at her, a challenge in his eyes. She realized he didn't think she was going to go through with it. / Read to find out why Felicity feels the need to undress in front of Oliver. RATING CHANGED TO M BECAUSE OF 2nd CHAPTER – 1st CHAPTER STILL SAFE TO READ WITH T RATING