
  • We're The Same?

    Link x Dark Link yaoi! The great Hero of time falls in the lost forest, nearly dead until a familar figure finds him first, why does he feel like he knows this person? Link x Link or Link x Shadow ! lemons, yaoi, slight rape fetish and awesomeness! Bonus: (Read if you think Navi is annoying) :P Zelda! The legend of Zelda slash

  • My Little Ambassador

    Luke Fon Fabre is captured and held captive by General Jade Curtis, and his life is threatened once the though of war springs...unless a compromise is made that is. Luke x Jade yaoi and lemons! Smut, also a bit of Luke x Guy for my peeps out there, enjoy! Tales of the Abyss! video game love!

  • Like Father Like Son

    Lloyd once again finds himself rushing into battle and getting hurt. will the older mercenary help him or use this to his advantage to satify his lust? What could happen? (Lloyed X Kratos) Yaoi, Rape theme a bit of Yuri lemons and awesomness! Oneshot!Anjerachan here! *dramatic music* i will also take literally any request for ANY pairing! just say in a private messege!

  • Love on Lon Lon Ranch

    The innocent farm girl has a perfect life, a cute lover and a lovely Epona, what could go wrong? How about a secret affair? Zelda, Yuri, Lemons, Yandere, and smut (basically awesomeness) Saria x Malon (Cremia) and Link X Malon and some Link X Saria so everyones happy! (o.o) Legend of Zelda