
  • Mikomi Uzumaki and The Olympians

    AU of "Return of the Heroine". Sargeras finally defeated by second after sent Mikomi to the past. But the Dragon Aspect face Obito with Gedo Mazo ready to absorb her and become a god. In the end Mikomi was smirking and unleash her trap absorbing Obito and Juubi become return as Primordial Goddess since she was Ootsutsuki Kaguya now she appears in a another Mythology Greek...

  • Reading Mikomi Uzumaki and The Olympians

    After ending the Great Prophecy, the Sisters of Fates reunite the Olympians to read about a book which speak about mix of loyal, truths and others stuff reserved in the book. Once they read will change their lives forever. For worse or for better. Warning flaming will be ignore.

  • The True Path of the Chosen One

    The Force once again calls Mikomi's help to fight against the Sith and repair the Jedi by helping the Chosen One and adopting as her own in Azeroth, After Titan has been Sealed Old Gods and Before War of the Ancients. Sequel To 'Mikomi Uzumaki and the Olympians'. Now the Chosen One's Path will be clear and no one will stop nor the Sith or Jedi Council because the Force is with him!

  • The Blind Descent of Heart and Death of the Force

    It's AU of "Return of the Heroine". When Sargeras was nearly defeat he sent Ancora to the Past now trap in her three years old body she force to life an déjà vu. Before Mob could do something Master Yoda arrive and defend her before take to Jedi Temple. Gray/Neutral FemNaru is Descent of Dark/Light/Neutral FemRevan and Neutral/Gray Meetra Surik the Jedi Exile.

  • As Crianças da Escuridão Gentil

    Está dentro do Prólogo. É uma tradução da minha história.