
  • Bitter

    Makishima starts smoking and Toudou's not quite sure how to react.

  • Stargazer Lilies

    Toudou takes his laptop and points it out the window, showing Makishima the light rainfall that Japan is having today, the leaves of the garden glistening with humid mist and clear dew; everything is sparkling, just like Toudou's eyes.

  • You, I

    This is how it's always been

  • Selectively Unsocial

    "Hold it." Edgeworth stepped closer, face darkening. "Unsocial?" (In which Edgeworth rethinks some aspects of himself.)

  • Against his better Judgement

    Sometimes Japan feels like that's the whole relationship with him and China, all in one phrase.

  • Disillusionment

    The impassioned grin that Toudou gave him almost made it all worth it in the end. Maybe their time together was a hallucination, after all.

  • However you like it

    "Look at the ocean, Maki-chan." Toudou pointed to the glittering waves beneath them. "We're nothing compared to that. The world goes on day by day without us. None of us are the main characters here; why not make the most of it?"

  • Lucky Item

    Midorima cannot pass through airport security with his lucky item

  • Bows and Pigtails

    In which Himuro drags Murasakibara into a hair boutique

  • Looking Back

    Makishima doesn't believe in love at first sight

  • Winter

    He didn't expect it to happen like this.

  • Words with time

    He wouldn'tve given up these years for anything. (37 sentences to piece their story)

  • Nothing but the best

    Toudou insists on accompanying him to the airport.

  • Red Green

    There are times when all Toudou wants to do in the world is lie down on the couch, sun splayed over his skin, Makishima's head heavy in his lap and hair a incorrigible disarray over them both, green and red all together, all at once. (Implied relationship)

  • So Why?

    Takao cannot figure out for the life him why he puts up with Midorima Shintaro. (Written for a drabble contest on Anime Amino)

  • The First Time

    Never had he felt so purely exalted until he was on the court, basketball already bouncing lightly on the asphalt, feet flying as if he was walking on pure air, head soaring with vertigo and heart singing with dreams. (Implied Murahimu)

  • Maybe, (just maybe)

    Maybe, (just maybe) the reason Nezumi stayed was because he was lonely.