
  • Bring Your Hero Son To Work Day

    K.O. learns that Professor Venomous is his father. Now, they both have 6-11 years of father-son time to catch up on. But is it really worth giving the villain a second chance? Art by sleepy-onigiri.

  • Rivals

    Sequel to Shock. Rivalry Week is just around the corner and each member of the team has something on their shoulders.

  • What the Bloody Hell was That!

    Random crack one shots

  • Harry Potter: Wizard, Student, and Gamer?

    Within 24 hours, Harry learns he's a wizard, will be attending Hogwarts and discovers that his life has now been turned into a video game not unlike one of Dudley's. Now his hard life has gotten harder.

  • Jar of Hearts

    This is the story of how Harleen Quinzel, also known as Harley Quinn, broke free from the Joker and opened her eyes to the evil he has committed. Written around the song, "Jar of Hearts," and details her leaving the dark side and regaining her identity. Rated M for a disturbing scene and domestic violence.

  • What's A Mole?

    With the revelation that a mole may be among the Team, Superboy can't help but wonder what exactly a "mole" is. Watch as his team try to help him understand what the word means in different situations with hilarious results. One-shot crack-fic. Takes place at the beginning of "Alpha Male" Part of the "Humorverse."

  • We Love Our Two Dads

    Superboy finally has enough of Superman's cold behavior towards him. Robin suggests revenge on him and the Dark Knight. With the help of Lois Lane, the Team, even Alfred, the Future World's Finest prove that revenge is best served with humor...and a lot of rumors. Rated T for swearing and sexual references or innuendos. Not a Slash! Part of the "Humorverse." Mostly OOC for laughs.

  • Wands and Cauldrons

    Minerva McGonagall wants to talk to Harry about his older, violent, female bodyguard, along with the harem that he is forming.

  • Dumbledore's Ultimate Plan for the Greater Good

    Lily and James Potter survived the night Voldemort was vanquished, but Albus has some plans he wants to discuss with them... Mocking of the evil!Dumbledore cliche.

  • Are You Bloody Insane?

    Why attacking Harry Potter is suicide in The Dursley home...Takes place after 5th year.