Imaginary Girl Of Sapphire

  • Black Stain on a White Feather

    What everyone saw to her was her bright and cheerful attitude, but behind that cheerful smile was a dark secret. So, after so many of her years holding up her wall of false happiness, will the emotionless aristocrats/pureblood make all that darkness disappear, and will she heal him as well? If so then what will become of them after words? SenriXOC

  • Only One and a Half Girls

    Katee and Alex are sisters trapped on the island with boys. Alex dresses as a boy so no one knows, but the boys constantly give Katee special treatment. The two are ok at first, but as time goes on they're hopes grown lower and lower along with the rest and are forced to choose whether or not to go savage and lose their humanity. OCXSimon & some OCXRalph. Rated T for LOTF context.

  • Abigale

    Abigale wanted to shut the door to the wizard world forever. Despite her muggleborn abilities, she didn't want anything to do with magic. Not after it took something precious from her, not after what it turned her into, not after she saw its true colors. But, she has no choice. To support her poor family she had to take up a job at Hogwarts. However-

  • My Love For Armin

    Anna is one of the youngest people to ever get put into the Survey Corps. She's seen as an emotionless puppet, but she's really open and free with the people she trusts, and she'll follow any order either Levi or Erwin tell her. The only thing wrong with her is her practically insane love for a blonde haired genius-even before they met.

  • Dark Evil & Bright Love

    Akiko's discovered the secrets of her past and it's filled with tragedy. But she can no longer turn her back to the darkest of corners, and must realize that she still must face whatever creature has been after her since childhood. However, she will also be facing another battle; the bitter sweetness of both friendship and love. Sequel to "Cherry Blossom Child" ZeroXOC

  • Twisted

    "Hate"? Who does Voldemort hate most? Was it Albus Dumbledore? Harry Potter? The whole 'Mudblood' population? No. It was a girl. A beautiful girl. Smart too. Yes, it was 'her' he hated the most. That girl with the lovely smile. A girl he met in Hogwarts.

  • A Human's Memory of Love

    A small peasant, orphaned girl was found by England, and brought into his care. As years went on he treated her as though she was his own daughter, but she grew to fall in love with him-despite humans and countries together is taboo. But that's not the story here. This story is what happens after China comes into it. Placed in medieval times ChinaXOC and unrequited EnglandXOC

  • A Child's Nightmare Affects All

    One day Shizuo finds an 11 year old girl-with nowhere to go-in danger so he saves her and takes her home. He finds out she has no parents but came in search of a boy so he helps her. But what if it turns out this boy works with Izaya? Why isn't this girl allowed to go to school, and have a fear of doctors? And who are these men after her? Romance later:Shizaya&OCXOC. NO SMUT!