

  • Shatter and Crack

    Because he's scared that if he stops acting tough then the act will crack and he'll shatter into a thousand pieces. Nine-centric.

  • Amaranthine

    Lorien is, to be honest, not having as much fun as he thinks he should be in this new body of his. Really, as if the impending Mogodorian Invasion isn't enough trouble, he's suddenly got to deal with emotions, bodily limits and annoying guys like Mark James that are desperate to be his friend.

  • Every Star In The Sky

    Just the two of them, the last of the Loric Resistance in a wrecked world - Sam supposes it would be romantic if it wasn't so sad.

  • Through Everything - 100 Themes of Lorien Legacies

    100 themes about the characters that we all know and love, long or short, happy or depressing, a way of expressing the way I view them. 2 - Love.

  • Sweven

    For all the non-canon pairings, the weird and the wonderful and the creative. One-shots with random, odd pairings. 7: Final Quest, One/Six. The Grand King rules on the dark throne, and in the ruins of this broken world two lonely stragglers meet.

  • The West Conspiracy

    The Team's latest mission reveals the Wests to be some of the most influential, manipulative, and overall dangerous families in the world. That includes Kid Flash.

  • The Bodyguard

    Bart Allen isn't quite sure how, upon arriving in the past, he ended up as Lex Luthor's bodyguard, but he's gotta admit – it's a damned fun job.

  • Runes

    AU, Navrina. Using the runes comes naturally to Joseph by now. Having a Chimaera bow down to him is less natural, but still something he can deal with. But then there's the matter of Marina, and suddenly the world is a lot more complicated.

  • The Sickness

    Excerpts from the writings of Leo Valdez, recovered in the recently found Bunker 9, shedding light on how the Great Sickness began, progressed and finished. Post Giant War, some Caleo.

  • Bart of the Outlaws

    AU. The Justice Lords don't leave for Rimbor, Superman murders Neutron, and years later a certain young speedster travels to the past to try and save the world. Naturally, it's a lot harder than it sounds.

  • Tin Soldier

    You're Number Six, and you should be strong, so how come all you can think about is how badly you've screwed up?

  • The Moon, the Stars and the Sun

    They look at each other like the other is magic, and when one is torn away it is the tragic end to a perfect love story. Navrina.

  • The Chariot (Reunite)

    You wouldn't expect the afterlife to be a train. For some reason it is.

  • What We Could Have

    And you could have her, you're sure, but you can never bring yourself to stop her from leaving. Angsty Nix.

  • Constant Apocalypse

    The world ends on a Tuesday (and it doesn't stop there).

  • This Is My Kingdom Come

    Season 2 AU. For years now, the team has just hidden itself away as superheroes are locked up or killed. But when a certain redhead is kidnapped, they might actually have to start fighting back.