

  • what the hell!

    this is a very random oneshot made from the dark recesses of my own mind. so have fun with that! rated for sexual hints and some cursing, of course!

  • Mysterious bites

    Lucy becomes rather suspicious when Levy shows up with what appears to be animal bites on her. But what really happened to her friend? Click this story to find out!

  • a heated exchange

    Berwald encounters an odd and surprising omega that draws him in immediately. but what exactly will he be dragged into after acting too drastically? set in omegaverse (i think that is what it's called).

  • A father's worst nightmare

    Being a single parent has it's ups and downs. Though Bowser does love his children, will he be able to handle his worst fear coming true? a short summary for a not so short one shot.

  • Making assumptions

    Keroro comes across some odd noises emanating from giroro's tent. Just what are the hot headed corporal and cool blue ninja doing in there? Rated for suggestiveness! This is not for kiddos!

  • tamama plan alpha omega!

    yeah, i just chose a random title for this. anyway, i wrote this about a year ago. Just a short silly one shot. Tamama has a brilliant plan to finally make his smexy sergeant fall for him! what is his plan? will it work? will anyone actually take time to actually read this? the answers are a super cliche anime plan, maybe, and i sincerely hope so!

  • those darn brotherly instincts

    just a story i wrote about a year ago, so i decided to put it here. Russia shows up on china's front porch bloodied and not himself. Can china save him? The answer is yes. Just a sweet one shot. it is sweet enough to give you mild toothaches, but not full on cavities! and, of course, there is an awkward moment or two thrown in there

  • neon pink

    another short one shot i wrote a year ago. tororo is tired of zoruru's unwillingness to reveal their relationship to the others. so he will just have to make zoruru tell them in his own little messed up way. what is tororo going to do? read and find out! (insert suspenseful music here!)