

  • Let the Rain Fall In

    Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a dark shadow fall over her features as she watched him walk away. It was a look of resignation and it filled him with a hot rush of fear. - Post-post Blue Bird.

  • Dark Sun Lights a Silhouette

    Lisbon is angry and it seems Jane is to blame. Has he ruined a good thing so soon? Or has someone out-conned the con? A month post-Blue Bird; One-shot

  • Episode Tag: The Thin Red Line

    Tag for 1x08. Holding a wriggling baby in his arms had been a welcomed treat. He'd forgotten what it was like to hold a baby-the solid, comforting weight as she softly squirmed before giving a shuddering sigh.

  • The Turquoise Teacup

    Jane and Lisbon are married, and baby makes three. The dynamic duo is living happily in a small coastal town when a young woman shows up in need of Jane's expertise. Can he and Lisbon help her? Will Jane's new family fall in jeopardy at the hands of a psychotic madman? [AU after S6, but if you squint, it potentially lines up with post-series.]

  • Be Here With Me Now

    He'd nearly witnessed her execution in a Texas field a month ago. If he were being truthful with himself, and with her, that was the moment the novelty of hunting down psychos and murderers began to wear thin. Post-ep for 7x04 "Black Market"

  • Take My Heart Along

    "He had forgotten what it was like to hold someone so close-to be the protector. She was a soothing balm to his healing heart." A series of drabbles set in the same universe as "The Apathy That Has Made Us." Formerly titled "Out of the Woods."

  • A Case for George Cukor

    Cracky stories meant to entertain through the long hiatus. All are meant to be a little screwball-y. Post "Blue Bird" with established Jisbon. Various ratings.

  • A Ghost You Can't Control

    When she finally found him in the kitchen, the sight stopped her in her tracks. All words dried up on her tongue. Patrick Jane was sitting at their kitchen table, but he wasn't the man she'd kissed good night. - Post-post Blue Bird; Because I really really REALLY miss that vest.

  • A Wanted Man

    She found Jane feeding pigeons on a park bench. He was so casual he was practically serene, tossing seeds out for the birds. She found the entire situation surreal. Spoilers for S6.

  • Episode Tag: Paint It Red

    Tag for 1x13. "You fooled me once already, tossing the painting in the fireplace. How do I know you didn't trade out the original for another fake?"

  • Episode Tag: Ladies in Red

    Tag for 1x04; "You didn't really mean it, though, when you said you were falling for her. That was just to mess with us, right? I don't want to have to start turning down cases every time an attractive widow is involved. This is California, those'll really rack up."

  • At First Sight of the Sun

    When a film history professor is found murdered on the grounds of an abandoned asylum, Jane and Lisbon uncover a cold case over a hundred years old. - A case!fic that takes place in the same universe as "The Apathy That Has Made Us" with established Jisbon. Rated slightly T for a bit of lovin'.

  • The Apathy That Has Made Us

    "Thought maybe you'd want to discuss Rigsby's theory that you'd eventually get together with Lisbon. Remember that?" Patrick Jane is stagnating, but maybe-just maybe-he'll pull himself together long enough to tell Teresa Lisbon how he feels. A take on spoilers for the remainder of season 6.