

  • On Finding Each Other

    Sometimes love sneaks up on you at a time you least realize it. Or, in which we watch two best friends fall in love. stydia Rated T for sensitive topics.

  • seven billion smiles

    the ways Castle reveals to Kate what he loves about her. for my dear friend.

  • three o'clock in the morning

    "One day, I'll wake up at three in the morning. I won't be alone. I won't text you or call you. I won't miss you, or want to cry. Because one day, when I wake up at three in the morning, you'll be laying next to me, and not miles away." / for sugar free vanilla.

  • I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

    "You outgrew that Santa costume around our third year of being married, Rick." He comes into the kitchen and plops down on a seat at the island, and accepts the mug she hands him. "I did not. It was like… A year ago." She deadpans, "We got married four years ago." / An AU fic based on the prompt on castlefanficprompts: "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" Caskett style.

  • A Series of Firsts

    - They may not be each other's first loves, first kisses, first sights, or first dates, but they want to be each other's lasts. - AU.

  • Home

    Present for Lea - happy birthday babe! \ She comes home to him one night, and he realizes that he has the perfect family. Slightly AU.

  • Five Shades of Grey

    (has nothing to do with fifty shades.) / The five stages of grief Kate goes through after she loses a loved one.

  • IBC: Caskett Style

    The Ice Bucket Challenge, Caskett style. \ based off the prompt on the castlefanficprompts tumblr.

  • In Sickness and in Health

    AU / She's sick and he's there, as always. He stumbles in the door, arms full of movies and things that will make her feel better and she can't help but want to kiss him (and she would, if she wasn't such a coward and sick). But, maybe this one time, getting sick isn't the worst. After all, it could start something new. \ Pure fluffy Caskett.

  • it is at moments after i have dreamed

    Later, he'll dream about honeymoons and babies and starting a family with her, but for now, he's content to dream about her. Because he loves her, and that's what counts. And when he wakes up, she'll be there. She'll be there to be everything he dreams about. And more. She's his present. \\ sort of au.

  • i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)

    AU: She still owes him those hundred coffees. But she's gone now. He's just glad that he got to know her. Got to know her secrets; her fears, her. She was his sun, his moon, his world for years.

  • Cuddle Up

    'He grins when he feels her thin fingers play with the collar of his (her) tshirt. His eyes sparkle and he presses a kiss to her forehead. He closes his eyes and then he feels her arch up and then her lips are on his and remind him why they have never done this before because if this isn't pure heaven then he doesn't know what is.' Jisbon. AU-ish. Fluff because I need it.

  • nekiadom ott magam a bánatnak

    Season 4 AU. 'He closes his eyes and swallows hard, trying not to think of the stuffed bear that's sitting on his sofa, an impulsive decision made the previous week in anticipation of his upcoming role.' Warning: major character death.

  • the more we get together

    Rule #1: There is no swearing in the household. Or anywhere, really. / High T for language. Seriously. Language.

  • night life

    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... or maybe not this time. Originally a fill for the prompt from the castlefanficprompts page. AU.

  • The way we were

    'There's a saying that states: 'when one door closes, another one opens'. But it's not entirely true with Kate Beckett. She's a bundle of contradictions, a mix of twists and turns that spin his mind and renders him useless for a few moments as he tries to regain his ability to think.' AU-ish.

  • i like you and me

    "Met in a diner at 2am while it's raining" AU.

  • Let's Start The New Year Right

    Four. The others would be making their way closer to the TV inside by now, but there was no rush, really. Three. They had a moment. Two. And hell, it was New Year's, right? One. / New Year's AU.

  • in my time of dying

    'Rick pulls Kate against him with shaking hands. The living dead see them as nothing more than flesh and meat and that is what they have become; there are no pretenses here.' Zombie AU.

  • of giraffes and vows

    It started with a giraffe, and it ended with their vows.