

  • Brothers

    Follows the events of 3x18 (mostly). Just a one shot where Stiles is scared and Scott is too.

  • The Days are the Nightmares

    Stiles and Lydia are on their way back from doing a favor for Derek out of state, and decide to stop at a motel for the night. They plan to get back on the road first thing, but things don't go quite as planned. Follows 4x01 with a bit of a timelapse. I live for for reviews, so please leave one. Now complete. I've posted the 1st chapter of the sequel "We Can't Go Back (Or Can We)".

  • The House Guest

    Clarke loves her best friend, so when Octavia's brother needs a place to stay, Clarke doesn't think twice about offering up her loft. It's no trouble at all, that is until Clarke realizes what a surly, arrogant prick he is. When a few days turns into a few weeks it's too late to back out, and now she finds herself stuck with an unwelcome roommate.

  • We Can't Go Back ( Or Can We )

    Sequel to The Days Are The Nightmares (read that first). Stiles and Lydia wake up in a room that is not their motel room. They both look different, older, and they realize what felt like one night passing to them was actually years. Can they figure out what happened to to them? And more importantly, can they find their way back? Please review, they keep me going.

  • Foreigner's God

    Tommy doesn't mind having her here, in his home. He minds that she doesn't seem safe anywhere else. Suddenly he has something worth protecting, and he's not prepared to lose her too.

  • Stay

    Lindy's feelings for Tommy are starting to feel a little too real. Worried that he'll end up like the rest of the men in her life, she decides she needs a distraction. When she runs into Jake she figures it's a perfect opportunity. That is, until Tommy walks in on them.

  • Envy

    This is just a drabbley piece with Lindy pulling one of her usual stunts and Tommy being none too pleased with her. She feels the need to explain her habit of going in alone, and Tommy makers her a promise.

  • Home Is Where The Scars Are

    Written for a gunrunner Bellamy prompt. Clarke runs a free clinic in her hometown, a town she thought she'd escaped until her father's death drew her back in. She came back to take care of her mother, and found the town had fallen even deeper into anarchy at the hands of Dante, the head of the biggest gangs in town. One night she gets a knock on her door and finds a bleeding Bellam

  • Here We Are

    This is a collection of moments from after Clarke's "I was being weak" moment in 2x09. Currently includes Lincoln and Octavia trying to convince Bellamy that Clarke really does love him, some missing moments between the two leaders before Bellamy leaves and a Bellarke reunion after he is captured in Mt Weather. Not necessarily consecutive or connected.

  • Let It Snow

    A compilation of all my wintery Bellarke one-shots. Tropes include mistletoe, moonshine, tobogganing and more. This is just a reorganization of stories I had previously posted separately. Stories that have been moved here include; Moonshine and Mistletoe, Baby it's Cold Outside, 12 Days of Clarkemas, Toboggan for Two and Maybe I'll be Your Merry Christmas.

  • You Keep Me On My Toes

    Clarke's best friend's brother keeps showing up at her dance studio. Which would be fine, if they didn't have a history, and she hadn't spent the past few years trying to forget him. She's spent three years telling herself she didn't mean anything to him. He has one shot to convince her that she means everything to him. ft Ballerina!Clarke

  • She Might As Well Call It Fight Club (If Only She Would Fight)

    Post 2x08. Clarke is not handling Finn's death well. She's beating herself up, actually she has someone else to that for her now, and Bellamy has had enough.

  • Rain

    Clarke is injured when there is an intruder in the camp. Bellamy helps her and they realize that in order to survive and keep everyone else safe they have to work together. This is the story of their uneasy alliance.

  • Meet The Parents

    One-shot based off the prompt: Clarke hires Actor!Bellamy to play her date at Thanksgiving dinner with her parents. His job is to act like a parents nightmare and make the whole night uncomfortable. Somewhere along the way he becomes a little bit more than a way to get back at her parents.

  • A Study in Romance

    Based off the tumblr prompt: You're my tutor on a subject that I can easily ace but I'm only acting stupid because I really want to know how your lips taste and feel like against mine (au).

  • You and Me

    Bellamy's been missing Octavia. Clarke escaped from Mount Weather and now she wants to go back for everyone she left. Bellamy offers to go with her, and she thanks him with a gift. One-shot.

  • Two Truths

    This a tumblr drabble inspired by Two Truths and a Lie. Andy and Sam are playing, but this time there's something on the line. Not related or connected to my other RB fic, One Day At A Time.

  • On and On

    One-Shot following the season 1 finale. Basically, Fitz is in a coma and Jemma has done everything she can. This is her struggling to come to terms with what happened, and simultaneously trying not to give up hope and to accept what she has lost. Fitzsimmons all the way. Please review, they are the sustenance on which I survive.

  • Fever

    To go along with the fever theme in 1x09 I wrote a one-shot. Clarke's sick and they don't know what's wrong with her and Bellamy is not prepared to lose her.