
  • How Barry met Lisa (and they became the best of friends)

    "An eating disorder? Really?" The surprise was clear in Barry's voice, but even as he said it, he felt something click into place in his head. Barry is away at college and finally gets some help dealing with his issues. He is in group therapy when he meets Lisa. (and then later he meets her brother)

  • Small World

    Hunter goes home to his parents in New York over Christmas break, and meets a certain Kurt Hummel.

  • Dalton Academy

    Kurt transfers to Dalton, but decides that instead of hanging on to Blaine, he's going to make his own way and his own friends.

  • Are made as we walk them

    Sebastian and Alex are living together in New York, when they decide it's about time to try and find Alex' past. **Set 5 years after "The Roads we walk..."

  • When Stiles Stilinski Stopped Talking

    When Stiles Stilinski Stopped Talking

  • Where the path splits

    A one-shot in "The path of life", comes after "The roads we walk...". What happened in Lima.

  • Father figures

    Harry and Draco have similar father figures.**Warning** Allusions to incest and rape.

  • Family love

    Written for Karen / skyefullofstars with the prompt "Harry(age 40) and one of his sons are cleaning out an attic in Number 12 Grimmauld Place and finds and old trunk. When the trunk opens they find…"

  • A change of location

    Crowley comes to visit John

  • Being Me

    On one of her summer vacations, Minerva meets a woman she can't help but be intrigued by. Then it turns out the woman is not who she though she was.- Written for the Hp spring fling exchange 2009

  • Changes

    Hermione makes a discovery that changes her vacation plans between sixth an seventh year. She is suddenly traveling to the states with three Slytherins she has befriended and the trip changes her perception on things.

  • A Surprising turn

    Hermione is married to Ron, pregnant and life couldn't be better. Until he does something to muck it up, and Hermione receives a letter that changes her world.

  • Roses

    Hermione has pulled her own life up with the root to go with Fleur to Paris, but when she finds 15 roses, she sees that nothing is as she thought.

  • Marriage betrayal

    Hermione comes back to Hogwarts after years out in the real world. But forgetting an affair is not as easy as she thought.

  • One Last Thing

    The war is on and they all fight. As it comes to an end, there is still one thing Hermione needs to do.