
  • Politics

    Harry finds a notebook in the room in requirement with several ideas to better the wizarding world. He shares his findings with Hermione and together they will try to make the ideas reality, changing the course of war… If only they knew to whom the notebook belonged.

  • Fighting a War

    Harry is in his 5th year of Hogwarts when he is visited by someone who claims to be his future godson. He receives 3 letters about his last years at Hogwarts with clues to win the war but things come to light that might make Harry lose his hope in Dumbledore and the Order.

  • Artemis Potter: the rewrite

    Umbrigde finds 7 books about Artemis Potter and forces the students and teachers of Hogwarts and guests to read them. Lies and betrayal will come to light, love will be found but can Artemis change the future along with her friends? All characters, except the OCs, sadly don't belong to me but do belong to J.wling

  • Artemis Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    Umbridge tries to discredit Artemis Potter by reading books about her years at Hogwarts in front of the great hall. fem!Harry Molly!Ginny!Ron!Dumbledore!Bashing Harry/Charlie. Everything recognizable belongs to J.K.Rowling, HARRY POTTER ISN'T MINE, only the OCs and the plot are my own