

  • After

    (One- Shot) Max, Fang, and their daughter share a moment on the beach together.

  • The Addict

    Spencer Reid got clean five years ago. But now, as his life spirals out of control again, he's left with the only thing that can make him numb. Dilaudid.

  • Secrets

    Sirius and Remus are worried about Harry, and Sirius tries to figure out what's wrong.

  • All I need

    (AU) There's a series of murders in Las Vegas, and when the team goes to solve them, they find Spencer Reid. And they know he knows something about the murder that they don't.

  • Back to Hogwarts

    The trio goes back to Hogwarts after the war, but just because Voldemort's gone, doesn't mean nothing's going to be interesting.

  • The tale of a Weasley and a Malfoy

    Rose us so excited for her first year, but Scorpius Malfoy just has to come in a make everything so perfect, which Rose certainly doesn't want from a Malfoy