
  • Love Potion

    A few of Draco's friends play a harmless prank on their fellow Slytherin ringleader, at least they thought it was harmless. Now Hogwarts has to deal with the wrath of a love struck Draco- Wait, what? The crazier part is who he happens to be thinking about even after the potion wears off and why he wishes he could be under its influence again... Anything is better than being numb.

  • A Black Winter

    Winter often leaves a person feeling like there is no hope left, like all the life has been sucked out of them. When Maka finds herself on the receiving end of a prank her temper fires up those desolate feelings as she storms over to the one place where she knows she can take sort through these emotions. It just so happens that he might be part of the reason she is feeling them

  • Secret

    "Promise me we'll keep this to ourselves," Draco said wildly and turned to face her. She held out her pinky. He looked at it with confusion. She wrapped her pinky around his. "I promise," she whispered dejectedly. Sometimes secrets aren't worth keeping.

  • Unexcused Absence

    "That was lucky," he said quietly. Sirius nodded, his brows furrowed together as he thought over something. "Think she'll start snooping like her little Slytherin pet did?" He shrugged. He honestly wasn't sure when it came to Lily Evans.

  • Infatuated

    He was Draco Malfoy and he always got what he wanted… even if what he wanted was forbidden. Maybe that was why he wanted her so bad, simply because he wasn't allowed to have her. Birthday present for LittleMissLoony! One-shot. Dramione.

  • Eureka

    She would always be untouchable, she would always be for the greater good, always high above him, and right then he just couldn't take it anymore. He had to tell someone because in that moment he realized something. Eureka, he found it. DracoXHermione

  • Go On and Indulge Yourself

    Being a twin is great; never get me wrong on that. But I will not lie. Being a twin sucks sometimes. I don't like always having to share. I found something where I don't have to, I should say someone.

  • Reliving in the Future

    Remus remebers every day just how much they sacrificed. Everyday he wishes he could have done something besides nothing.

  • A Fool's Holiday

    A late April fool's day one shot. Harry and Ron try to warn Hermione about what they think Draco has planned for her on this day. Only Hermione seems to know how to handle it.