
  • Misfit

    I'm baaaaack. Loved the S5E1 premiere, of course, and I started writing a one-shot inspired by THHRW (The Hug Heard 'Round the World"). A one-shot that is...no longer a one-shot. Some reunion thoughts and pre-ZA musings, and, of course, eventual Caryl. Rated T due to addressing domestic/child abuse and occasional swear word.

  • The Lady & the Tiger

    Directly following "The Grove" (S4E14). I hesitate to call this story "Caryl", but I suppose it could be perceived that way. My take on what happens when the two former confidantes meet again, after both losing so much. Carol's POV. Short, multi-chapter fic.

  • The Time is Now

    My version of Book 7...I started this fanfic back in '06. Very in-canon through Book 6. Didn't get to finish before DH came out, so it fell out of canon. Now, I want to revive it and HOPEFULLY Finish it. Romance/Action/Drama. Mainly Ron/Hermione shipped, but Harry/Ginny as well. Told in rotating POVs from the main trio's perspective. Love, death, Horcruxes, the Burrow and more!