
  • To Wave

    Verb: To move one's hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal. Short, pseudo-philosophical drabble. First Fic on the snail!

  • Perception

    In a team or a family, perception is all-important. Oneshot. Drabble. Tiny hint of Robstar.

  • Blame

    The following is an extract from the personal audio logs of Spartan Gabriel Thorne...

  • Souls of Steel: Resurrection

    The Dawn never found Requiem. Cortana is forced to make a great sacrifice, leaving the Master Chief alone in space. Hundreds of years later, the wreck is discovered on the fringes of inhabited space by bounty huntress Samus Aran. What she finds inside is neither man nor machine, but either way, it is broken... and yet it is strong. Part 1 in a trilogy. Complete, awaiting Part 2.

  • Musings of a Gunter

    A Gunter reflects on their relationship with the Ice King. Drabble.

  • Tartarus

    A strange thing happens to Pit at a celebratory banquet, setting in motion a chain of events that could threaten the entire multiverse. The Titans are rising. Tartarus has been breached. PitxSamus. Sequel to Winging It. Darker and plottier.

  • Happiness within Darkness

    "The first few rays of grey, muted sunlight of the city day shone through the near eternal cover of clouds. They swept over a sprawling, amorphous urban mass, glinting off tattoo shop signs and ventilation shafts. Old brick buildings began to stir as their inhabitants awoke to the next day of their lives, to walk the streets, do their jobs and keep their heads down." AU. Fourshot.

  • The Reconciliation of the Dragonborn

    At the end of his life, the Last Dragonborn seeks purity. He sets out to purge himself of his sins, to make himself worthy of joining the hallowed warriors of Sovngarde. The path will not be easy, as many powerful entities would stand against him. But he will endure. Victory... or Sovngarde. Twoshot.