Wild Concerto

  • Walkyrie

    One-shot. As Lord Godalming dies after slaughtering the one who had taken away his love from him, an angel comes and leads him to Heaven. AU, shameless Arthur/Lucy fluff, because long live the book and eff Coppola.

  • The Dragons' Song

    In Westeros, a prophecy claims that the one united to Kirstina Tyrell would be ruler of the continent. Needless to say that the King has set claim on her, but the last of the Targaryens, forced to live in shadows, is also in the race. But everything is possible when you play the Game of Thrones. Very AU, POTO meets GoTverse, though this can be read without knowledge of the series.

  • Phanfiction Gone Wild

    An assembly of bad phanfiction parodies and other phanfic peeves. Bear my craziness. Suggestions are welcome. Chapter 2: Period Erik/Mary-Sue. Rated T for bad language and some content.

  • Let It Go

    Since her childhood, Céleste de Chagny, Raoul's sister, felt all the pressure of the world on her frail shoulders. When she comes to the Opera Populaire as patroness, a revengeful Opera Ghost uses her as his instrument… But a threat from Persia lays his shadow on them, and they are obliged to form a strange team… Based on ALW with hints of Kay and Leroux.

  • Share Each Day With Me

    Covering the six months between Il Muto and the Masquerade Ball, Christine and Raoul develop their love for each other until they become engaged. Fluffy R/C fluff all the way. ON HIATUS.

  • Now and Later

    Christmas one-shot set after the events of POTO. Meg is determined to give Erik a merry Christmas no matter what. Erik/Meg friendship, though it could be viewed as a soon-to-be romance if you squint hard. ALW-based, with hints of Kay.

  • A Winged Defender in Ballet Slippers

    She seemed like nothing more than the sweet little cherub, with her blonde curls and her elf-like features. Harmless, in her white tutu and her ballet slippers. But she was born to join the Archangels, assigned since her youth in the ranks of guardian angels. ALW/movie-based, E/M hinted if you squint hard.

  • Phantom of the Opera: What not to do

    The title said it all: wht not to do if ever you find yourself in the middle of POTO. Rated T because I'm paranoid.

  • Silent Angel

    Since her birth, Meg Giry has been raised in the famous Opera Populaire, under the regard of her mother. But, when Christine comes in, though they become best friends, Meg is more and more kept in her shadow, and accepts it willingly… But as time goes, she wants more and more to leave her mark. ALW based, with Mme Giry and eventually Meg's point of view. ON HIATUS.