
  • Self-Preservation

    Usually, this is where your self-preservation kicks in, forces you to forget what you're leaving behind in order to survive, and usually he thinks any other time he could do it, and he ll feel bad about it later but not here, not now. because all his self preservation is telling him is he cant survive without her. Oneshot

  • Public Displays of Affection

    "Did you really forget...again?" Stephanie asked and Tim shrugged. "Maybe you should have an alarm on your phone or something." She points out.

  • Rectify Our Sins

    Tim and Damian swap places accidentally with their parallel counter parts from another universe and as time passes the real Tim and Damian come to wounder who is really in danger in their new surroundings, themselves or their families left with their other counter parts? Warning: Extremely dark themes.

  • World Unforbidding

    In Ra s al Ghuls finial act of insanity, the world is shacken by a number of bombings that bring its heros to its knees, mass hysteria breaking out over the globe, and all the worlds heros can do now is fight to regain control and keep what theyve built from being lost forever.

  • Acid

    She was trying to be nice by asking to help him, she never thought that help might ruin her day...and her favorite hoody.

  • Thinking Outside the Box

    Its funny how they can be ready for war even before it happens, but when locked inside a steel box, let all hope be lost. Not Slash.

  • Black Frames

    "I didnt know you wore glasses," she hummed and Tim chuckled, shifting to pull the black framed glasses further down his face, "why? Do I look odd?"

  • Return to Sender

    Damian gets a unintentionally sent message from Tim and Stephanie...he doesn't react well...

  • Skip the Pepper Spray and go for the Gun

    She might as well kiss her non-existent dating life behind her when her over protective father just happens to be a worldly-known terrorist

  • Always

    Jason always knew he wasn't the best of people but maybe, for her, he could try to be.

  • In your shoes

    Thanks to some accidental magic Tim and Stephanie are forced to spend time living in the others shoes.

  • Childs Play

    Jason s lost something important while the others merely watch in amusement.

  • Writing on the Walls

    Dick cant resist pressing Jason about his supposed late night duties to Gotham and it s fine citizens. Jason is not amused.

  • Those Black and White Pictures

    "Steph you cant go seven months with eating nothing but Waffles, chili-fries, nachos and sour-skittles." Tim pointed out. "That is a meal for champions." she declared, "and it sounds awesome, lets get some. Baby ll love it." mama/Papa Tim and Steph one-shot.

  • Gray Skies and Muddy Feilds

    "Dance. with. me." she grinned and Tim laughed."You realize how cliché that is right?" He asked worriedly and she made a face, "I realize how incredibly awesome it is, yeah, totally, beside, thats sissy rain, this, this is Bat-rain."