
  • Guiding Fallen Stars

    Xephos falls to Minecraftia with little memory aside from his name and a vague notion of how he got there. His learning of the world around him slowly reveals to him that he is quite different from the rest of the people he's met. Yogscast fic. RECENT CHAPTER HAS BEEN EDITED (uploaded an older version, whoops!)

  • It Started With a Date

    Alistair Kirkland finds himself set up on a blind date, courtesy of two of his brothers. (Written for some of my readers from my last story since they asked nicely). On possible hiatus.

  • A Straggler in Markarth

    Something's always going on in Markarth. The newest resident certainly doesn't help matters. (Horrible title. Horrible summary. Starts six years before Skyrim. I have no idea what I'm doing. Please sent help. Or a dragon).

  • The Miracle Man and the Potions Master

    Severus Snape receives a visit at Hogwarts by the man he apprenticed under to get his Potions Mastery. But according to both magical and Muggle records, the man doesn't exist! England is confused, Dumbledore's meddling, and Snape knows more than he shares. As countries and humans dig deeper into this mystery, surprises are in store for all those who seek answers. ABANDONED 1/16/16