
  • The Phoenix Rising

    What happens when the Doctor meets a girl who seems to understand him better than anyone else? And how will he react when she seems to be a magnet for trouble? Find out here.

  • The Unknown Sister

    This is a story where Jhon Winchester has a daughter but he gives her up. What happens when the Winchester boys find out? How different will it be? Read to find out.

  • The Detective's Daughter

    How would life be different for the Detective and Dr. Watson if Sherlock found out he had a daughter who was like him? (RE-WRITING!)

  • Mulder's Daughter

    How would the adventures of Mulder and Scully been different if they had another partner? What if that partner was someone very special to Mulder? Find out here.

  • In This Hell

    Dark Vamp Buffy, New Slayer, Time Travel. Please Read.