
  • Choices

    Life is all about the choices we make; good or bad, the choices we make often affect our future. After a wild and crazy summer Tom and Trina Decker make a decision that will ultimately change their life. AU one shot; post series finale.

  • Gone in the Night: Secrets of the Night

    Sequel to "Gone in the Night" 7 years after being convicted of kidnapping Abigail Shepherd and several hundred other girls, Carlos Hernandez is found dead in his cell of an apparent suicide. As the investigation unfold, secrets are revealed that could destroy The Shepherds and all involved.

  • What If-If Only

    When she realizes that she's pregnant, Addison begins to have second thoughts and her mind drifts off to the idea of 'What if she hadn't aborted Mark Sloan's baby'. AU; Re-Post of original story. Based on a scene from 4x19 of Private Practice. Set during Season 5 of Private Practice post intervention. Set Grey's verse Pre-Grey's and early season 1 and onward

  • Something Wicked This Way Comes

    After she casts the curse that's supposed to send them all back to The Enchanted Forest, Regina wakes up only to find out that a new curse has been cast. Time has been altered with greatly, seeing as Daniel is no longer dead and Henry and Emma never existed. Can the new curse be broken? AU 3x11; StableQueen mentions, but eventually OutlawQueen Endgame.

  • Together For Never?

    "You, you did this?" Just as Regina begins to think she can have a happy ending, it's taken away from her in an instant, once again by a member of the 'Charming' Family. AU; 3x21-3x22; Semi sequel to "Even Villains get Happy Endings".

  • Even Villilans Get Happy Endings

    After defeating Zelena, Regina sets out to find her happy ending with Robin Hood...though it doesn't come without some bumps along the way. Prequel to "Together For Never" AU; 3x21-3x22

  • I Will Always Find You

    She was the one to break the spell, which is quite surprising to everyone, including Regina herself. Henry believes and finally remembers. How does she react to having all 3 of her boys back together for the first time since the curse broke. AU; one shot. Spoilers for 3x19.

  • Happily Ever After: The Shepherds

    AU; The Short sequel to "Happily Ever After"; an alternate glimpse at Derek and Addison's life would have been like if Derek wasn't indifferent and Addison hadn't cheated. Written in Multiple tenses.

  • Riding in Cars With Boys

    "You can never tell, if you tell daddy will be mad" A look at Addison's relationship with The Captain. One-Shot.

  • As Good as it Gets

    AU. It may not be perfect, but its pretty damn close.

  • I Don't Wanna Live in a World Without You

    AU; After her affair and learning that she was pregnant with Mark Sloan's baby, Addison Montgomery literally dropped off the face of the earth. What happens when she ends up in Seattle nearly 8 years later? How will her exes react to seeing her? Most of all, what happens when Mark meets his daughter for the first time?