Amanda Kitswell

  • Doubt

    The arulin'holm in her possession, Merrill sets to work on the Eluvian. Her loneliness in her endeavor is eased by the new friends she meets outside her home in the alienage. Written as a gift for a friend on tumblr.

  • A Harmless Prank

    Vitalia Ortesi is a prankster by nature, and enjoys tormenting the templars and her fellow mages alike in the towering spire of Kinloch Hold. When she targets her friend, Jowan, with the assistance of her partner in crime, Sacha Coté, one night, things don't end up going according to plan. Now she's left with a single question: How could she have been so mistaken about Jowan?

  • A Consequence of Trust

    The Landsmeet is over, and Zevran has watched as Arais distanced herself from her companions. When he finally decides to speak to her, he sees the personal consequences of her decision are not very different from those he had experienced himself. Mild trigger warning for discussion of suicide and suicidal situations.

  • And Scene

    The success of a play relies on the strength of its production; for the actors, rehearsal is key. When the man cast opposite her becomes unreliable, Arais turns to another for help. Modern AU, written for a challenge in the Dragon Age FanFiction Writers group on Facebook.

  • Flowers

    A gesture of love can in the form of something as innocent as a bouquet of flowers. For Merrill, it comes as an entire garden. Written for Asexuality Awareness Week on tumblr.

  • Clarity

    It has been years since Velanna returned from her journey to find Seranni. The events that took place while she was gone still haunt her. She escapes to a familiar area of the forest to reflect on the choice she made. While freedom from the guilt that ravages her during every moment may be unattainable, support is closer than she knows. Based on a bipolar!Velanna headcanon.

  • One Willing To Be So Brave

    The Blight is over, and the coronation is fast approaching. As Arais fulfills a promise she made to a family whom the Maker had graciously brought into her life, she finds herself faced with so much change, and many of those changes she must make herself. My entry for the Dragon Age Big Bang on tumblr and Live Journal. Mature rating on chapter five.