The Glade has always been filled with obstacles. This series focuses on the Gladers before Thomas' infamous arrival. Alby, Minho, and Newt-centric.
Lydia is in need of a prom date. Why not ask her friendly neighborhood Stiles? Set in Season 4. Stydia!
Arthur discovers Merlin has magic. He doesn't react as expected.
Newt is angry and cold during a late night fire drill. Minho makes it better. Minewt
4x01 Tag: Derek is once again undercover as Miguel, Stiles' cousin. Will the people of Beacon Hills accept the identity of the now younger werewolf without question?
Stiles attempts to deal with life after the Nogitsune. His coping is not going as well as his friends and family believe...
Minho and Newt babysit Minho's cousins. I'm sure nothing bad will happen...
Super 8 from a lamp's perspective. Exactly what it sounds like. Warning: Character Death
After the events of the nogitsune, Beacon Hills is lulled into a life of ease. But is it a life of ease or a false sense of security? A surprise group project could either make or break Scott, Stiles, and Lydia's friendship.
When Sti...uart gets the chance of a lifetime to try for a spot at Google, how will the pack get along without their resident human for the summer?