

  • Hope in the Shucking Maze

    The Glade has always been filled with obstacles. This series focuses on the Gladers before Thomas' infamous arrival. Alby, Minho, and Newt-centric.

  • Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?

    Lydia is in need of a prom date. Why not ask her friendly neighborhood Stiles? Set in Season 4. Stydia!

  • Defying Expectations

    Arthur discovers Merlin has magic. He doesn't react as expected.

  • Walking through a Winter Wonderland (and Hating Everything)

    Newt is angry and cold during a late night fire drill. Minho makes it better. Minewt

  • Danny Meet Miguel: Take Two

    4x01 Tag: Derek is once again undercover as Miguel, Stiles' cousin. Will the people of Beacon Hills accept the identity of the now younger werewolf without question?

  • Numb

    Stiles attempts to deal with life after the Nogitsune. His coping is not going as well as his friends and family believe...

  • Attack of the Munchkins

    Minho and Newt babysit Minho's cousins. I'm sure nothing bad will happen...

  • A Bright New World: A Journey of Self-Discovery

    Super 8 from a lamp's perspective. Exactly what it sounds like. Warning: Character Death

  • Trouble Comes in Threes

    After the events of the nogitsune, Beacon Hills is lulled into a life of ease. But is it a life of ease or a false sense of security? A surprise group project could either make or break Scott, Stiles, and Lydia's friendship.

  • Socially Antisocial

    When Sti...uart gets the chance of a lifetime to try for a spot at Google, how will the pack get along without their resident human for the summer?