
  • BSC in New Mexico

    Mary Anne and her friends are going to have a fun time in New Mexico for the next two weeks before she leaves for Maine.

  • Mary Anne's First Day in Maine

    Mary Anne is about to leave for Maine and gets to leave with the Willis family and she's nervous about moving to a new place even though she knew April. Will Mary Anne adjust to the move?

  • Mary Anne's Sweet 16th Birthday Party

    Mary Anne is about to turn 16. She's about to have a big party for it and invites her BSC friends. She can't wait to celebrate it. She knows she will have a fun time.

  • Changes for Mary Anne

    Mary Anne was invited to spend Spring Vacation with Logan and his family to visit his cousin & his dad's brother and sister-in-law. She gets to invite Kaylee, too. Then when she got back home in Maine, she ended up with a big surprise. She found out she was pregnant! What is she going to do? She's only 16.

  • Mr Spier's Big News

    When Mary Anne learned her father was promoted, she was happy until when he added he would be transferred to Maine, she got upset. She did not want to move.

  • Mary Anne's Tough Month

    Poor Mary Anne! She started to feel depressed when she thinks of her best friend, Kayla, who was gone for a few months. It helped when her twin, Kaylee, would help out. Mary Anne wondered why nothing was bugging Kaylee lately. Will she find out why? Will she ever feel happy again?

  • Mary Anne vs Kaylee

    Lately, Mary Anne and Kaylee, who were best friends, stopped getting along when Kaylee started bragging and being mean. Can they become friends again or will it be the end of their close relationships? Can Kayla help them get back together? Find out later!

  • Kayla's Sibling Issue

    Kayla noticed her twin, Kaylee, got moody even before finding out her cancer was spreading and having six to eight months. She and the BSC members want to find out what was bugging Kaylee. Even Mary Anne is concerned when Kaylee got snappy while trying to help her best friend.

  • Kaylee's Bad News

    Kayla has been feeling tired these days. When she got rushed to the hospital, Mary Anne got worried hoping her best friend would be okay. She got upset when she found out unexpected news. What she can do to help?

  • Mary Anne's Bad News II

    When Kayla passed out at school and got rushed to the hospital, Mary Anne got very worried about her best friend hoping she'd be okay. When she found out Kayla's cancer got spread and has about six to eight months to live, she got very upset. She prays she doesn't lose her best friend. How will she handle that?

  • Mary Anne's Spring Vacation in Iowa

    Join Mary Anne, her dad, three best friends, and boyfriend as they headed to Iowa to spend with Grandma Verna for Spring Vacation! They knew they were going to have a swell time.

  • Mary Anne's Big Issue

    Lately, Mary Anne's new friends tried to pressure her to do something she refused to do. When she finds out her money she saved for the phone bill went missing and got replaced by weeds, she panicked and was afraid to tell her father. She was starting to see red flags. Will she still let them change her for who is she or will it be time to end the friendship with her new friends?

  • Mary Anne and the Bachelorettes

    Mary Anne's father and Carlos are going away, so it would be just her, Sharon, Dawn, and Meredith to be the bachelorettes. The girls will have a blast day and they got big plans while Mr. Spier and Carlos are away. Best of all, the Willis girls get to join the group.

  • Kristy's Dream Wedding

    When Bert asked Kristy to marry him, she was very excited. She couldn't wait to get married. She isn't so sure what type of wedding she would like. She wants to have wedding of her dreams.

  • The Baby-Sitters Club: The Thanksgiving Feast

    The Sitters know it would be the best Thanksgiving Day ever! The girls will have fun making plans to a feast after seeing the parade in New York.

  • BSC: Happy Holidays

    The BSC can't wait to have a holiday adventure. They're going to have loads of fun.

  • Mary Anne and Dawn's Sleepover Party

    Mary Anne and Dawn are about to have a sleepover, but under Mr. Spier's condition: No Leaving the House after dark. The girls didn't like it, but Mary Anne understood. Will the rule be broken or will it be followed?

  • Mary Anne's Journal for Bahamas

    The family is getting ready to go on a two-week vacation to Bahamas! Mary Anne can't wait to have a blast!

  • Mary Anne Vs BSC

    Mary Anne had a fight with Kristy after Mary Anne was being late. So now, they're not speaking. Plus, Kristy had the others turn their backs on Mary Anne. What a tough week she would have!

  • BSC on Road Trips

    The whole Baby-Sitters Club are about to go on the road trip. They could hardly wait for that! They would have a fun adventure.