Rita C

  • 365 Days

    Everything can change in the span of one year...

  • The Nexus

    What would happen if Agron was never a slave? What would happen if Nasir was never a slave? What would happen if they were both free men? Three different realities, three different settings, three different ways their story might have gone.

  • The strenght we have together

    Freedom is such a sweet word... when it is shared. Part 3 of the Overcome Series, follows 'But for now emotional ties stay severed' and 'I have nothing to give'

  • I have nothing to give

    If you love something set it free. Nasir is finding out that there is more to freedom than he thought. A sequel to 'But for now emotional ties stay severed'

  • But for now emotional ties stay severed

    For the past five years Agron has been yearning for freedom. Be careful with what you wish for, you just might get it...