Elder Schraderham

  • Inked

    McPriceley: Connor wants to get a tattoo and has a specific one in mind. Kevin's perfectly fine with him getting a tattoo, just not the specific one Connor had picked out.

  • Such a Charming Fellow

    McPriceley: It's been about a year since they've seen each other. McKinley found his Prince Charming in a surprising place, but not surprising to him nonetheless.

  • This Is A Religion?

    Based off a Tumblr post. Elder Price and Elder Cunningham are doing their normal door to door job when a sudden introduction of a new religion ruin their day.

  • Magic to Do

    High School AU: Davis and Schrader get into a fight. Naba takes it upon herself to cheer up Davis with some extraordinary methods. Contains: Schravis and Cunninlungi