
  • SNAP

    The Defenders experience Thanos' Snap

  • Sensory Overload

    Matt struggles with a sensory overload

  • Remember the Good

    Matt and Foggy talk at Father Lantom's funeral

  • Getting Through

    Matt and Foggy visit Jack's grave

  • Accident

    Frank accidentally hits Matt during a nightmare. Slash

  • A Good Man

    Father Lantom survived the attack by Bullseye. Matt visits him in the hospital, intent on making amends

  • Band-Aids and Kisses

    House is used to dealing with his pain on his own, but now he's got the Cuddy women in his life, he's learning that doesn't always have to be the case anymore

  • 1-10

    House is having a bad pain day, Wilson helps him

  • 27 Years and I Still Love You

    Eddie survives the fight against Pennywise, but he doesn't come out of it unscathed. Good thing he has Richie there to remind him how much he means to him. Reddie

  • She Needs to be Safe

    Nina survived the mob attack, but now Erik must find somewhere safe to bring his daughter. There really is only one place they can go

  • Your Son Broke You Out of Prison

    Erik has some surprising news to share with Charles about Peter

  • We'll Get Through This

    After the plane blew up and Neal's brief stint back in prison, he isn't coping nearly as well as he lets on. One night it all becomes too much and he goes to the only place he feels safe.

  • Even Families Fight

    After their boxing match, Neal was more hurt than either of them realized

  • Choosing Family

    Neal confronts his father over Senator Pratt's murder, but James doesn't react kindly. Neal realizes that sometimes our family isn't our blood relatives, but the people we choose

  • Safe Here

    Daryl is struggling in Alexandria, but he has found an unlikely safe haven with Aaron and Eric. Everything is going fine, but when his group finds out, they have some questions

  • Home Now

    Alpha had killed their friends and left their heads on spikes for them to find. After the group returns to the Kingdom, Daryl assures Lydia she has a home there too

  • Arm's Length is Not Long Enough

    Carol had tried to keep him away, but Sam just keep finding ways to weasel himself into her life

  • All About Trust

    Daryl isn't sure who to trust anymore. Aaron helps him realize not all people are bad

  • After the Clearing

    After the standoff with Negan and his Saviours in the clearing, Daryl wakes up in Hilltop

  • Logic and Emotions

    Nyota has news to share with Spock, but she's unsure what his reaction will be