
  • Where Do We Belong?

    In Ninjago, everyone has an animal form and I mean, everyone. In the small village of Ignacia, three orphans are recruited by an elderly man named Wu, to help escort a young lord back to his home to reclaim his riches. May be rated M for blood/gore, language, and possibly lemons (maybe)!

  • Becoming Parents

    After discovering that Zane is alive, Cyrus throws a party to celebrate, where he and Nya sleep together. Two weeks later, Nya discovers that she's pregnant and tells him. Now, the two of them try to keep it a secret from the others, while trying to cope with the reality of them becoming parents. Will feature Nya pregnancy moments, Nyrus fluff, baby fluff, and some drama

  • DeliciouslyDangerous1: The Ice Bucket Challenge 3!

    Okay, so I got nominated again by my friend, IceFreak101! So, read to find out if you got nominated! Oh, and if I get nominated anymore, I'll just update this story instead of posting a new one for each nomination!

  • DeliciouslyDangerous1: The Ice Bucket Challenge 2!

    Okay, so I got nominated again by XShinkuKikinX, yay! Ugh, this one, I admit, is so much shittier than the other one...*sigh* Well, I hope you enjoy my second IBC! (Ice Bucket Challenge) Oh, and don't forget to see if your name is mentioned in here!

  • DeliciouslyDangerous1: The Ice Bucket Challenge!

    Well, it's basically what the title says, but whateves! Anyways, I got nominated by Pinkie Pie luvs Ninjago, so I'm decided to do this! This is madness! Madness? THIS. IS. THE. ICE. BUCKET. CHALLENGE! *kicks you down the hole* Enjoy my crappy writing skills, just don't judge me! Oh, and check to see if I nominated any of you to do it!

  • One-Shot Wonderland

    Okay, so I'm experiencing some writer's block when it comes to my other stories, so I thought I'd try some one-shot requests! They can only feature the Ninja and my OCs, although I will occasionally do requests featuring other people's OCs! All the details are inside! Send as many as you want, I don't care! Any pairing is accepted, I mean ANY pairing! Doesn't have to be romantic!

  • OC's for an upcoming story

    This is a list of OC's from my upcoming story. Others can use them as long as they credit me. If you do use them, send me a PM to your story, I'd love to read it!

  • One-Shot Wonderland (Remake)

    So, I'm remaking my old one-shot collection, One-shot Wonderland! So, feel free to request anything in a review or PM. Rules for requests and stuff are on this first chapter, so make sure you read that. Latest one-shot: Lloyd/Skylor

  • List of Upcoming Stories

    Just a list of some of my future/upcoming stories, that's all! Some of these I've mentioned before, and some of them I haven't! Need some feedback on which ones people (you) would like to see most, though!

  • Ninjago: Apprehension

    Sequel to Ninjago: Choosing. In New Ninjago City, there is a group called Apprehension, determined to bring down criminals and keep the peace. The members of this elite group are non other than the children of the ninja themselves, along with several other people from throughout Ninjago. While Apprehension deals with petty criminals, they're unaware of a much larger scheme at work.

  • Ninjago: Choosing

    After Zane "died", Kai and P.I.X.A.L. are trying to bring him back. Meanwhile, Nya still has to choose, so she conducts secret tests to pick her perfect partner. Who will win her heart? When going to Cole's for his family reunion, that's where things get...interesting. (Shitty summary, I know.)

  • Learning To Live Together

    After Zane is trapped in the systems, Sensei decides to bring in some new ninja, much to Kai's dismay. Now, the new ninja and the original ninja have to try and get along with each other. Some of them get along great, while others don't exactly see eye to eye. Nya x Cole, Kai x OC, Jay, x OC, Lloyd x OC, Cyrus Borg x OC

  • Darkness In His Heart

    When on a trip to the mountains, the ninja are attacked by a mysterious figure, injuring Kai and Jay, while the figure infects Cole's heart with darkness. Afraid he'll hurt the ones he loves, Cole flees, vowing only to return once his darkness is under control. A year later, New Ninjago City is under attack, the ninja captured, now it's up to Cole to save them, using his new powers

  • Ninjago: Love or Duty?

    Prince Kai announces his sister's betrothal to Prince Cole. A ball is held to celebrate the Princess's engagement, where she meets a handsome stranger, the two of them forming a friendship. Soon, that friendship turns into something more, making Nya question her engagement to Prince Cole. Now, she must choose. Love or duty? Following her heart or doing what's best for her kingdom?

  • Meeting Mavis

    Johnny betrayed Mavis. He had actually been a monster hunter and he wiped out everyone she cared out. He attacks her in the streets of New York City, but someone saves her. When they meet, she begin to think that maybe a zing doesn't only happen once. (Shitty summary, I know but if you read this I'll give you a cookie.)

  • Cole's Story

    Cole's life before he became a ninja and what made him accept Sensei Wu's offer to become a ninja. Sort of sad, I think. Anyways, I'm gonna make some of them about the other ninja too, but I wanted to make Cole's first since he was the first to join Sensei Wu. I'm gonna try to make them all have a sort of sad atmosphere to them, we'll see.

  • Zane's Story

    Story of Zane's life before becoming a ninja. I'm gonna make more of these. One for Jay, one for Kai, one for Nya, and one for Lloyd. This one is shorter than the first one, but Cole seemed so much easier to come up with something for.