
  • Loss of A Lifetime

    It’s been a few years since the war ended, but Katniss still has many feelings to unpack. One such is Prim, and the flowers that gave her sister her name is a catalyst that may finally help her reach peace.

  • A Dragon's Love

    This story is set after the events of season 2 of the anime. A story about Issei's growing appreciation of the girls of The occult Research Club. Definitely IsseixRias and eventually IsseixHarem. An M story because it's DxD. Overall bad summary, but it's my first story. Please review if you have any suggestions. Thanks! (TEMPORARY HIATUS)

  • An Unexpected Recovery

    Yuuki has been in and out of the hospital all her life, battling the AIDS virus for years. With the death of both her parents and her sister over, she seems to be happy to be close to death. She then meets Asuna, a warrior and survivor, who teaches her that she needs to keep fighting. Then, before her 6 months to live were over, a cure for AIDS was discovered. Will she survive?