Night Fury Warrior

  • Dragoncast Productions

    What happens when Hiccup and his friends end up in our realm and meet Minecast Productions? New realms pop up everywhere after the first encounter and our heroes have to face many challenges, hardships, battles, and much more than an ordinary group of 12-14 year olds should endure. Currently has I don't know how many crossovers, but I can say it's chaos. Still, enjoy!

  • Dragons In The Stars

    What happens when the hyperdrives on the Twilight and the Jade Shadow malfunction, sending them to a different galaxy where they find some odd people with dragons?

  • Bridge To Terabithia 2: Return of the Queen

    It's four years after Leslie Burke's death, and Jesse Aarons is still getting over it. But Leslie is still alive, and she is coming back to Terabithia. How will Jess handle his best friend coming back? And who will be out to stop them?

  • The Dragoncast Games

    The characters from Dragoncast Productions are in Panem! And they have been reaped for the 24th Annual Hunger Games! Who will win? Will they be a mortal, a Wizard/Witch, a Dragonborn, a Wolfblood, or another magical person? Find out here! Character list from DCP Chapter 15: A Frozen Fury. Most last names are custom.

  • PIE Saving Great Britain

    Johnny Ghost leaves Bonnie in charge of his McDonalds, but Bonnie gives the Queen of England a capsule containing one of the most dangerous undead spirits ever. P.I.E. then have to save GB from destruction. Fortunately, they get help from friends including the Acachallas, Cywren Caster and her friends, the RAF, and the RAAF. This is a VenturianTale FanFiction, I hope you like it.

  • Sister Holidays Episode II: Attack of the Force

    The Virtcast are done with Josh, but now they have a new enemy. Sith Lord Tey Martyl. Will they defeat him? They have new members, and new relationships. But what happens when an ancient force entity known as Abeloth appears? They have to get Ben Skywalker and Savara Rein (Vestara Khai) back to the Clone Wars! Will they defeat the new collection of enemies? Find out here!

  • AnnaSophia DuneTail

    What happens when AnnaSophia Robb gets teleported into Wizard101? Will her new friends, Christopher DuneTail and Aaron IceBlood, be able to save her from the evil clutches of Malistaire? Or will she spend the rest of her life inside a game? Rated M for swearing.

  • Sister Holidays Episode I: The Sleeping Menace

    Joshua is killed and now Elsa and her friends are being sent to a dream world! There they have to find and defeat Josh who is a rogue Jedi master! Will they defeat him before he eliminates them all permanently to the wake? Or will he take over Earth and then, the entire galaxy? Rated M for the following: Violence, gore, swearing, yuri, and heart breaking sadness. Frozen AU in Aus.

  • Shadow of Israphel and Toothless (DISCONTINUED DRAFT)

    This story is an unfinished draft that I decided not to do. If YOU want to do it, fell free to message me and write it. It's the story you all know but with a twist. How would Shadow Of Israphel end up if Hiccup, Astrid, and Toothless were a part of it?

  • Hiccup's Last Wish

    What would have happened if Hiccup had been killed by the Monstrous Nightmare? Will Astrid keep her promise about trying to keep Toothless safe? Would Toothless become her dragon? What happens if it's all a lie? What if this summary is very confusing? Read on for all your answers!