
  • Something You Can't Give Back

    "... Can't you just give it back!" Izumo half questioned, half stated with no small amount of panic lacing his tone. The lit cigarette he'd had between his lips just moments before had fallen and was now slowly burning near his feet, completely forgotten.

  • Serenity in Chains

    He was always running. Sometimes he was running towards something, but mostly he was just running away. He was always running. He was always alone. That is until one day fate decided to intervene and shake up his solitary existence forever.

  • Simply Perfect

    Life isn't prefect, but it does have its perfect moments.

  • Welcome Home

    Kagami Taiga was never sure just what would be waiting for him whenever he got home after going out, even if he wasn't gone for very long.

  • Love Games

    "You're awfully quite today, Eli. Let's see if we can't fix that."

  • Summer Sunshine

    If she had to describe him, she would say that he was like summer sunshine.

  • Winter Sunshine

    She had changed quite a bit since their teen years. Oh, but he recognized her. How could he not?

  • Chocolate and Blueberries

    "... Huh, dark chocolate and blueberries? Hmm, a bit too bitter for my tastes,"

  • An American Ghoul in Tokyo

    Solitude is a terrible thing. The desperate need to connect with another, to not be alone... that was why he took the monster's outstretched hand.

  • Petals on the Wind

    "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break." - Chinese Proverb

  • Too Much Pink

    It literally hurt just to look at him.

  • Trust

    His eyes were piercing, searching for just a flicker of the trust she'd once had in him to still be there reflected back at him in her watery gaze. But it wasn't there and he feared that it likely never would be again. Not after this.

  • An Accident or Fate

    He didn't know if it was fate or just a wonderful accident, but he found that he didn't care either way.