
  • Team Dad Assemble!

    Inspired by a role play I'm doing with my best friend, Maxie and Archie live together forming Aqua and Magma as one team, going on expeditions to help pokemon and people while May and Brendan tag along and often live with them. Archie and Maxie easily know how to run a corporation, but do they know anything about raising children? Contains HardenShipping, and plenty of fluff!

  • Crumbling Walls

    Picking up charred wreckage of a spaceship isn't the only thing Pearl has on her mind after "Space Race"; one is the guilt of what she almost caused to a certain little boy, and another is facing a very angry leader. Implied Pearlnet. R&R

  • Three Days

    "Sometimes Tael has to remember the happy times just to survive this cycle of depression, abuse, and growing fear of the end that's coming. It's the only thing he can hold on to. So when he watches his mad companion bring on more destruction on innocent civilians, he thinks of the way they played." (What happened with Tael and Skullkid in the three days they were alone?)

  • A Final Act Of Love

    "Tirek continued to laugh, mocking him, mocking them, and Discord felt an anger like no other burn him up deep inside. He shook with rage and just focused his gaze on the ponies and the little dragon in the cage. Blue eyes met crimson and that's when a yowl tore from Discord's throat. "AU in which Discord was the hero of the day. Warning: character death.

  • Our Beginning

    Regina feels a plethora of emotions at once—the ache of loss, and above all blinding love and unfathomable gratefulness for the woman she's held so much animosity for over the years. "You...you named him..." Her eyes fill to the brim. "Snow... I... " She doesn't know what to say. She can't articulate how it makes her feel. "...Thank you." Regina/Family. Post Kansas.

  • In Each Other We Will Find Strength

    Calloused, bony hands held smaller soft ones and pressed them there to his heart. Tears filled his eyes and he smiled sadly through them. "We only have each other." Henry knew he was right. They had support from the family, but no one was feeling the loss they were. "I'm sorry you lost your son, Mr. Gold." Post "Quiet Minds" when Henry has his memory back. Grandpastiltskin/Henry