
  • Missing You

    What the surviving McGonagall's thoughts urged her to do after the Battle of Hogwarts. She just wanted to know. -REWRITTEN!

  • Minnie

    A little bit of recollection from Minerva McGonagall's childhood... -REWRITTEN!

  • Trust

    What might have been the base of the trust and unbreakable loyalty between the Headmaster and his Deputy. This might have been the secret behind everything. AD/MM -REWRITTEN!

  • After the Sacking

    Both Sprout and Flitwick come to McGonagall's aid in calming poor Sybill down. Minerva/Sybill -REWRITTEN!

  • Behind Your Steel Blue Eyes

    Maybe there's a very explicit reason why at one moment it seems much like both women are ready to fight each other until death, and at another as if there's love in the game. Maybe Sybill has made more than two real predictions? Minerva/Sybill -REWRITTEN!